Hero Of Heart 5174

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5174

“OK, Mister Wade!” Joseph quickly led Charlie into a windowless meeting room.

Then asked Duncan Li and Wu Siqi to be invited first.

Duncan Li didn’t expect Charlie to come to Syria, so he asked in surprise:

“Mr. Wade, why did you come here alone?”

Charlie smiled a little and said:

“Inspector Li, I just came from Northern Europe, and I brought some members of the mysterious organization.”

“This time there are more people, and they are not dead soldiers.

“They are one level higher than the dead warriors.”

“Not a dead person?” Duncan Li asked in surprise:

“What level is it? What are their responsibilities in the organization?”

Charlie explains:

“They are called Xiaoqiwei internally, and they are responsible for guarding the dead.”

Upon hearing this, Wu Siqi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said in amazement:

“Elder Xiaoqi? Is guard Xiaoqi in charge of guarding us?”

Charlie shook his head and said:

“According to Inspector Li’s analysis, your station should be near Sri Lanka.”

“But this knight’s guard was stationed in Cyprus, thousands of kilometers away, and the Persian Gulf and the entire Middle East were separated.”

“Cyprus?!” Duncan Li exclaimed after hearing this:

“Mr Wade, Cyprus is just west of Syria, and the closest coastline to Syria is less than 200 kilometers.”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said:

“Their base is a copper mine located in the coastal area of ​​Cyprus.”

“It is said that there is also a chain copper factory located in Turkey.”

“The ore produced by the copper mine is basically exported to a chain copper factory in Turkey which has formed a closed loop internally.”

“Making it even more difficult for the outside world to pry into her secrets.”

Joseph said enthusiastically:

“Master Wade, since we are so close, why not come up with a plan.”

“All members of the Cataclysmic Front troops will be sent together to wipe out their station!”

Since his life was saved by Charlie outside the law on Yeling Mountain, and he was able to preserve his parents’ bones.

Even his own cultivation was a blessing in disguise, and he stepped into the darkness in one fell swoop.

Joseph couldn’t wait to contribute to Charlie.

As a person, he doesn’t have too many twists and turns in his stomach.

If you owe someone, you will think about paying it back.

If you owe someone a favor, you will also think about paying it back.

Originally, he had thought that Charlie would go easy on himself and merge the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Palace.

So he would suppress the value of the Ten Thousand Dragons Palace as much as possible.

Even making the entire Ten Thousand Dragon Palace have to work.

However, he never dreamed that after Charlie entered the Cataclysmicdian Front.

Members of the Cataclysmicdian Front not only rarely took risks for him.

But he even continued to send various resources and aid to the Cataclysmic Front.

Moreover, his handwriting was just big, completely beyond Joseph’s imagination.

Among other things, the base in front of him was Joseph’s biggest dream for many years.

However, even though he has been in war-torn countries for many years.

He never found an opportunity to ask local officials to allow the Cataclysmic Front to be stationed in his territory.

But Charlie did it easily.

Apart from that, Charlie also helped the Cataclysmicdian Front open armed escorts and armed security.

Two clean businesses with high returns, low risk and completely legal.

Not only that, Charlie also continues to provide financial support to the Cataclysmic Front.

With the current scale alone, the Cataclysmic Front wouldn’t be able to eat up all the flowers in the next ten or twenty years.

Therefore, during this period of time, Joseph’s desire to contribute to Charlie became more and more urgent.

He had originally thought that the kindness he and the Cataclysmicdian Front owed Charlie was immeasurable.

But who would have thought that Charlie in Mexico poured everyone a cup of celebratory wine, Which actually increased everyone’s cultivation base!