Hero Of Heart 5185

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5185

And once he was given such an opportunity, he would be confident enough to control that Jiedushi.

However, Charlie also has two plans.

If all went well, the entire garrison would naturally be annihilated without bloodshed.

But it doesn’t matter if Charlie can’t control Jiedushi.

He could kill it silently, then distribute the antidote to all the dead soldiers and knight guards.

Don’t care about anything else, let these The dead soldiers and knight guards play freely.

When thousands of people suddenly spiral out of control, it must be enough for this organization to drink a pot of water.

On top of that, Charlie acted alone for both plans.

So he firmly believed that he wouldn’t leave any clues behind, and it didn’t matter whether he succeeded or failed.

He wasn’t going to let the mysterious organization find him by following those clues.

After that, Charlie, Joseph and Duncan Li worked out a more detailed plan of action.

After the plan was formulated, Charlie planned to leave for the United States and use the remaining few days to properly prepare.

However, before leaving, he specially asked Joseph to take him to see Abren Lang’s older brother who specialized in communications.

Currently, the Cataclysmicdian Front has prepared an independent two-story building for Abren Lang, specially used for his research.

Although Abren Lang had only been in Syria for a few days, his overall condition had undergone a startling change.

Not only did her spirit, complexion, and mood look much better, but she looked much younger as well.

Seeing Charlie, Abren Lang was very surprised, and said enthusiastically:

“Mr. Wade, why did you come to Syria?”

Charlie smiled and said:

“I have something to do here, so I’ll drop by to see you, bro.”

“Are you still used to being here lately?”

Abren Lang said with a satisfied face:

“Since I came here, I feel refreshed every day.”

“But the only regret is that work still has to wait for the equipment to become available.”

So there is no way to start it directly. .”

As he said that, he continued:

“I made a list of equipment for Master Joseph, and he arranged a no-discount purchase.”

“What I want is basically the world’s top civil communications related equipment.”

“After the equipment arrived in Syria one after another,

i plan to build an encrypted communication system that can cover the entire base,

and in the process, designing encryption algorithms, which can be synchronized after the satellite goes into space.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Brother, when will our own satellite go to the sky?”

Abren Lang explains:

“Recently, the people under Wan Dianzhu ordered communication satellites from several world-famous communications companies through shell companies registered in the offshore region.”

“However, the satellite is not currently ready for use and needs to be scheduled.”

“After the satellite is off the production line, we will first send it to Syria.”

“I will make some modifications to the satellite and then hand it over to a commercial launch company for launch.”

“However, research and development of algorithms and satellite transformation will require a lot of work.”

“Everything is huge, and it is estimated that it will take one or two years at the earliest.”

Charlie asked him:

“Brother, it must be difficult for you to complete so many tasks alone.”

“Why don’t you recruit more people to help you do something.”

“If you can build a satellite communication team, the efficiency will definitely improve greatly.”

Abren Lang said helplessly:

“I have thought about this too, but it is not easy to realize it.”

“I contacted some old colleagues and underlings.”

“When they heard that they were going to work in Syria, they were a little reluctant.

and the place of work is inside the base, I am also worried about the risk of leakage caused by outsiders coming in.”

Charlie nodded and said:

“We don’t lack money, what we lack is time.”

“So in my opinion, we’re better off establishing or just acquiring a communications company with sufficient foundation in the United States.”

“Then let it be teamwork in the United States.”

“Do the R&D work according to your requirements, brother, and you will coordinate the whole.”

“Also, we can use companies in the United States as backup.”

“During the operation of this team, if we find a trustworthy talent, we can gradually absorb it.”

“Come to Syria.”

Speaking of this, Charlie paused for a moment, and said again:

“Besides, Brother, you don’t have to worry about these people not wanting to come to Syria.”

“As long as you can give enough money, you can definitely do it. to impress them!”