Hero Of Heart 5193

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5193

When the old man is given a psychological hint from Charlie, Charlie gets straight to the point and asks:

“What is your last name, and what is your status in the organization?”

The old man said humbly:

“Make a career in the next section, and serve as a special envoy in the Palace of the Right Army Governor.”

“Mansion of the Governor of the Right Army?” Charlie frowned, and asked him:

“What kind of institution is the Right Army Governor’s Mansion?”

Duan Liye replied respectfully:

“The British rulers followed the Ming dynasty system and established five military governor’s houses,

i.e. Central Army Governor’s Mansion, Left Army Governor’s Mansion, Right Army Governor’s Mansion,

Former Army Governor’s Mansion and Rear Army Governor’s Mansion.

After hundreds of years of development, each capital city is currently responsible for governing certain affairs in a continent.

According to Chinese tradition they sit from north to south, Asia in the middle, Europe on the right, America on the left, and Oceania in the front.

Africa, although also on the left, is listed last because it is less strategic.”

Charlie is horrified when he hears this.

He hoped that this mysterious organization would become a powerful behemoth, but after listening to Duan Liye’s introduction,

He realized that the strength of this organization had truly achieved its global reach.

Spanning the whole world is a capability not currently available to all top chaebols.

The Rothschilds have been cultivating for many years, but they have only strengthened their foundations in Europe and North America,

as for other continents, they have penetrated several capitals at most, and it is difficult to extend their real influence to other continents. .

As for the Saudi royal family, moreover their power is basically concentrated in the Middle East,

and they can’t even influence East Asia.

The An family which ranks third has a relatively smaller sphere of influence,

almost all of them are concentrated in the United States.

Thinking of this, he looked at Duan Liye and asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time:

“What is the name of your organization?”

Duan Liye said:

“That organization is called the Poqing Society.”

“Destroyed Qinghui?” Charlie couldn’t help frowning:

“Is it similar to anti-Qing and restoring Ming that Tiandihui said in martial arts novels?”

“Yes.” Duan Liye nodded and said:

“But the history of Poqinghui is more than ten years earlier than Tiandihui.”

“Poqinghui was founded in 1644 when the Qing army entered the customs. The original Tiandihui was around 1660.”

“Established by the general Chen Yonghua of the Ming Dynasty under the instructions of Zheng Chenggong.”

“This Chen Yonghua is the prototype character of Chen Jinnan in later martial arts novels.”

Charlie asked curiously:

“Since the Poqing Society is earlier than Tiandihui, why have I never heard of this name?”

Duan Liye explained:

“That’s because the Poqing Society was just an inconspicuous non-governmental organization in its first 20 years of establishment, and the Qing army was very powerful back then.”

“Until the end of the Nanming Dynasty, the Poqing Society gained nothing.”

“It grew and grew, but was on the brink of collapse several times.”

“After Nanming was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty, members of the Poqing Society fled to Southeast Asia to develop secretly.”

“It took four hundred years of construction to reach today’s scale. The anti-Qing and Ming-ming banner was never raised again.

As he said that, Duan Liye said again:

“It is said that even the previous ruler of England felt that the name Poqinghui was not worthy of the name.”

“So even the previous ruler of England himself seldom mentioned this name.”

“Today’s Poqinghui, Only a few relatively core personnel know this history.”

Since May 47th, Charlie has learned that this organization has a history of at least two or three hundred years.

Now he knows that this organization has been established for more than four hundred years.

He was not too surprised, so he asked:

” You are right?” Is the military governor’s office located in Turkey?”

“Not here.” Duan Liye shook his head and said:

“To be safe, the House of Governor of the Right Army rotates in different European countries every three years.”

“Now the Governor’s House has been rotated to Italy.”