Hero Of Heart 5199

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5199

“No.” Duan Liye shook his head and said:

“The organization doesn’t use the Internet, but its own satellite communications network.”

“That’s not normal civil communication.”

“The satellite was purchased from senior Soviet officials through special channels when the Soviet Union was destroyed.”

“Military communications satellite.”

“Military communications satellite?” Charlie asked in shock:

“Can this be bought?”

Duan Liye explained:

“Under normal circumstances, no matter how wealthy individuals and companies are, they cannot buy military satellites.”

“But that is a special period of time.”

“The entire Soviet defense system is in chaos.”

“Time allocation is also chaotic and a lot of bad credit.”

“At that time, most of the Ukrainian heavy weapons were sold.”

“Even the Tu-160 bombers and even the nuclear bombs are almost sold out, let alone the large number of satellites in the sky.”

“Under the circumstances, no one would have realized that there were several satellites missing.”

“With a little manipulation, other people will not know that there are still several satellites in their sky.

With that said, Duan Liye said again:

“This satellite itself has very high security, and the communication code has been reset.”

“Even the person who designed it can’t decipher the content of the current communication.”

“The possibility of deciphering is almost non-existent, but it also has certain drawbacks.”

“The biggest disadvantage is that the satellite is a bit old, and it is still an old generation of narrowband mobile communications satellites.”

“The transmission rate is relatively slow, so it can only transmit text and byte commands,

such as monitoring various places. The status of the safe.”

“Under normal circumstances, the safe only needs to periodically send a few command bytes to the satellite.”

“If there is an exception, the command is only a few bytes. There should be no problem with data transmission.”

“In addition, very few users can be satisfied to use this system for voice calls at critical moments,

but unable to satisfy video signal transmission.”

Charlie nodded and said:

“In other words, even if the base in Cyprus might install monitoring equipment,

the organization can’t check it in real time, right?”

“Yeah.” Duan Liye said:

“Monitoring equipment in Cyprus is stored locally.”

“Every time I come here, I bring back a copy of the surveillance video from last week.”

“But this data will not be connected to the Internet and will only be stored in Turkey.”

“Occasionally, all the data will be handed over to Youjun Dudufu.”

“As for Youjun Dudufu, he will hand over this data to the English Lord.”

“I do not know.

Charlie couldn’t help laughing and said:

“Seeing that you are so old, I didn’t expect to know so much about this aspect.”

Duan Liye said respectfully:

“These were all systematically rehearsed when I was at Camp Huben.”

Charlie asked him with interest:

“Then let me ask, as far as you know, has your self-destruct device ever been activated?”

“That has been activated.” Duan Liye said without hesitation:

“Nearly twenty years ago, a base was activated by an organization due to a major failure.”

“The organization was very ruthless at the time, and it was delayed until the day before normal drug delivery.”

“At the same time, the special envoy was informed that there was no need for the medicine to be delivered.”

“At the same time, the Jiedu envoy was informed that there was an accident on the part of the special envoy.”

“So he was asked to wait a long time.”

“If the special envoy still doesn’t arrive the next morning, the organization will give him the authority to open the safe.”

“Activate the suggested cure.”

“Then?” Charlie frowned and asked:

“The organization has dragged them down with lies until they are about to die from poison.”

“Then activating self-destruct?”

“Yes!” Duan Liye nodded heavily, and said with a horrified expression:

“Did the organization send someone to deliver the medicine, and destroy the reserve antidote at the last?”

“The base includes Jiedushi, Xiaoqiwei, and dead soldiers.”

“More than 5,000 people, including family members of the deceased, all died from the poison.”

“No one is safe.”

Charlie asked him:

“How do you know so clearly?”

Duan Liye explained:

“This is information that was disclosed internally by the organization.”

“The reason it opened at the time was to warn all bases about the consequences of a major failure.”

Charlie suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed:

“You just said that the big failure happened twenty years ago?!”

“Yes!” Duan Liye nodded and said:

“That was twenty years ago, and I remember it very clearly.”

Charlie’s expression was horrified, twenty years ago his parents were killed in Aurous Hill!

The timing was so coincidental, it couldn’t be just a coincidence, could it?

Is there a connection between the death of the parents and what Duan Liye said? !