Hero Of Heart 5224

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5224

The seven people were also very excited at this time.

Being able to return was something that was unimaginable before.

What’s more, right now Charlie had completely taken control of the situation here.

They can not only return,

they can even reunite with their loved ones here!

This is definitely the best result for them.

Charlie said again at this point:

“I announce that from today onwards, all Cavalry Guards will be rearranged.”

“Leroy Li will be the commander of the Cavalry Guards.”

“The leader of the right banner will not change.”

“The left and right leaders of the center banner will be nominated by Leroy Li.”

“Then your internal vote will select the one with the highest number of votes out of five to take the position!”

“On top of that, the Cavalry Guards will be forming a cabinet from today.”

“The maximum number of cabinet members is eleven.”

“Except for the commander, left, center and right flag leaders, another seven people will be selected by secret ballot.”

“It is suggested that all the internal affairs of the Cavalry Guards will be formulated in principle by the cabinet in the future.”

“A proposal that can get at least six votes out of eleven members can be implemented within the Cavalry Guards!”

Everyone didn’t expect that Charlie really wanted to let them sort themselves out.

So of course they are excited.

And Charlie pointed to Joseph, and said lightly:

“This is Joseph, the master of the Cataclysmic Front army.”

“He will be in charge of the affairs here on my behalf in the future.”

“Though I fully respect your internal autonomy.”

“According to the agreement between Leroy Li and I, before the Warriors’ Den Society is eradicated,

You must obey my orders and fight against the Warriors Den Clan with me.”

“So all the internal rules you formulated should also be reported to Joseph for instructions.”

“Joseph also has a vote on this Veto.”

“But you can rest assured that as long as it doesn’t affect our cooperation and position,

Joseph will not abuse his veto power.”

Everyone of course has no opinion on this matter.

After all, they were now Charlie’s subordinates.

Military discipline was extremely strict and military orders were like mountains.

Strictly speaking, every subordinate’s affairs must be approved by superiors.

Not to mention that Charlie had given them a fair amount of autonomy.

Which has fully shown respect to them.

Immediately, Charlie continued:

“Right now, the first thing that needs to be decided internally by you is how to deal with these traitors.”

Immediately someone shouted from the Cavalry Guard below:

“Kill them traitors!”

Immediately, someone directly echoed:

“Yes! Kill them!”

Immediately, many people excitedly shouted slogans,

to kill all these traitors.

Charlie said very seriously:

“This matter is not suitable for making decisions when the crowd is excited.”

“I will give you three days to form the cabinet first.”

“Then I will give you three days to discuss how to deal with these people.”

“I hope you can Calm down, discuss and decide how to punish these people.”

“If your decision is to execute them, or execute some of them.”

“I will respect your opinion.

From Charlie’s point of view, if this enthusiastic cavalry guard is not stopped.

Not one person out of twenty could survive.

However, if they were really asked to kill these twenty people,

Charlie felt that was a bit much.

Therefore, let them calm down and discuss this matter carefully.

At that time, I will not interfere in their judgment.

If they finally decided to execute all these people,

then he will respect their opinion.

After hearing Charlie’s words, Leroy Li said respectfully: =

“Don’t worry, Mister Wade, subordinates understand!”

Others also shouted loudly: “This subordinate understands!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said to Leroy Li: =

“First arrange for someone to drop them off and keep them under close watch.”

“Take me to the bottom of the copper mine and meet the dead here!”