Hero Of Heart 5242

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5242

Charlie is never stingy with those who follow him sincerely.

At the beginning, the Wanpo Army led the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front soldiers to kill Yeling Mountain.

With such deep hatred, Charlie was also able to repair it after he cut his meridians,

and even helped him step into Ming Realm Great Consummation,

then helped him directly. Stepped into the darkness.

Now, Jackson is surrendering sincerely and unconditionally, so I naturally want to help him.

What’s more, Jackson had been stuck in Ming Realm Great Consummation for thirty years,

if he could help her reach her current breakthrough, it would definitely be the greatest good of her life.

Therefore, Charlie plans to take advantage of this opportunity to get a mature beauty.

At this time, Jackson was still crying deep inside his heart.

Hearing Charlie say that he could break through to the dark realm by taking medicine, he even trembled uncontrollably.

With trembling hands, she took the potion Charlie gave her tremblingly,

and then he fell to the ground, prostrated himself and said:

“Master Wade is so kind and virtuous, this subordinate will never forget it!”

Charlie said calmly:

“Take the medicine quickly, the Cataclysmic Front army really needs more dark realm masters!”

Jackson nodded heavily, then glanced at the two pills in his hand, and put them away without thinking. At the entrance.

Soon after, Jackson had the most magical moment of his life.

The two original pills suddenly turned into a stream of pure energy the moment they entered, flowing into his dantian in no time.

But at this moment, Jackson’s dantian never imagined that there would be such powerful energy rushing in.

This feeling was like a dam suddenly bursting upstream, and a large amount of flood flooded the small reservoir downstream.

Such powerful energy could not be carried away by a mere small reservoir.

Thus, after the energy rapidly filled the dantian, it began to flow towards the eight great meridians of the dantian.

He was already in the Ming Dzogchen Realm, and his eight meridians had been opened, but the degree of blocking varied.

Meridians with the best conditions are only opened up to 70%.

But this power surged and was extremely domineering, directly hitting his meridians’ pulse unhindered!

Jackson was surprised and delighted!

He finally understood why the Cataclysmic Front Army could break through successively in such a short amount of time.

With this magic medicine, breaking through to the dark realm is as easy as pie!

At this moment, Charlie’s voice sounded in Jackson’s ear:

“Hurry and guide and absorb this medicinal power, don’t waste it!”

As soon as Jackson heard this, he immediately put all his energy into guiding the soaring medicine.

power, It continuously works in its own meridians.

Ten minutes later, Jackson finally absorbed the gradually surging strength,

and at this moment, he finally discovered that his dantian, eight extraordinary meridians,

and even the muscles and bones in his entire body had undergone earth-shaking changes!

He could clearly feel that his strength had taken a huge step forward,

and even his control over the dantians and meridians in his body had improved greatly.

In the past, he was like a cripple with poor eyesight, he could only see a hazy state of his body,

but now, he felt like he had just grown a healthy pair of eyes, easy to see at a glance.

This overall improvement amazed him, and he was so excited that he cried.

He couldn’t help but think in his heart:

“So this is the feeling of the dark realm… everything is becoming stronger and clearer.”

“Compared to before, this is simply a qualitative improvement! dark realm.”

“I have never been able to experience such a wonderful feeling in my entire life!”

“I’ve been waiting for thirty years, and now it’s all worth it!”

Thinking of this, Jackson opened his eyes, and with tears in his eyes, he saw Ye Chen’s face again,

bending down and prostrating himself, he choked with emotion and said,

“Sir Wade… Thank you for giving me your subordinate a chance! …”

“I finally broke through the dark realm!”

Charlie smiled a little, and said seriously:

“The Dark Land is just a new beginning,

and the road ahead will be more difficult and farther than the decades you have walked before it.”

“If you can step into the Dark Land before you are a hundred year old Dzogchen,

it is no longer a luxury to live to be 140 or 50.”

“In this way, you will have the opportunity to enter the realm of transformation.”

“If you can enter the transformation realm before the age of 150,

You life time can be extended three to five more years. Ten years.”

Speaking of this, Charlie suddenly changed the subject and said seriously:

“However, the longer you live, the more effort you need to put in.”

“Ordinary people can still retire at sixty to take care of their lives, but martial arts people,

if you pursue cultivation, I am afraid that you will still have to practice hard when you are one hundred and sixty years old. “

“Relax, this must be a pain that ordinary people can’t understand.”

Jackson said respectfully:

“Don’t worry Mister Wade, from the day you stepped into the martial arts door,

Your subordinates already firmly believe in the belief that the martial arts journey is still far away.”

“I will search high and low! “

Charlie nodded lightly, and said nonchalantly:

“From today on, teach these dead warriors and knight guards well.”

“There will be a battle with the Society of Warriors Den in the future.”

“What are their chances of survival?”

“Most of it depends on how high you can teach them. “