Hero Of Heart 5254

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5254

Matthew Peterson looked at Claire and said with a polite smile:

“Miss Claire, the largest shareholder of our company is Chimelong Capital of Wall Street.”

“Chimelong Capital is a special investment entity under the Fei Family. In other words,

the Fei family is actually the largest shareholder in our group.”

“Even though Ms. Fei doesn’t know me, I believe that if I mention my family name, I should be able to befriend him.”

“You just said that Fei Miss is your husband’s client,

although I don’t mean to question it, but to make sure that you are not being scammed,

Ms. Claire, I can help you verify it with Miss Fei.”

Hearing this, Charlie snorted, waved his hand and said:

“Forget it. Forget it, Miss Fei is very busy, so don’t bother her with such trivial matters.”

Charlie deliberately refuses, actually deliberately showing weakness to Matthew Peterson.

He knows this kind of person very well, as long as he feels that he wins It’s decided,

he dared to bet any chips, this move was called luring the enemy away.

as predicted.

As soon as Matthew Peterson heard Charlie say forget it,

he immediately got excited and said solemnly:

“Master, Miss Fei is here now.”

“If Miss Fei really is your client, you should go and talk to her. , right?”

“And Miss Fei is one of my bosses, it is only natural for me to say hello.”

“So it’s not a distraction, so why don’t we go there together.”

Charlie waved his hand:

“Just forget it . If you want to say hello, you can call yourself, and I won’t go.”

Charlie’s appearance made Matthew Peterson even more convinced that Charlie was bluffing,

so he snorted and said:

“If that’s the case, then I’ll go and greet Miss Fei.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Emily who was at the side, and said:

“Emily, you live here with Ms. Claire and her husband.”

Amy Li immediately understood that the boss told her to keep an eye on Charlie and not let him escape.

So he smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, Chief, I will definitely accompany the two of them.”

“Okay.” Matthew Peterson He smiled proudly, then turned and walked towards Stella Fei.

He walked quickly to Stella Fei, extending his hand from a distance.

Make a gesture to shake hands, and say respectfully:

“Miss Fei! I didn’t expect you to come here! What a surprise. It’s gone!”

Stella Fei originally wanted to see where Charlie and Claire were, but suddenly a stranger rushed out,

so he asked in surprise:

“Sorry, who are you? Do we know each other, right?”

Matthew Peterson said hastily:

“Miss Fei, I am Matthew Peterson, chairman of Ai Kang.”

“Our Chimelong capital, you are the largest shareholder of our company.”

“But you haven’t come to our company yet. Company inspection work. “

Stella Fei frowned slightly at first, then remembered something, and said:

“I saw your company name on Chimelong Capital’s financial statements.”

“It seems your recent stock price trend isn’t bad?”

“I remember Chimelong Capital investing in you, and there is still a floating profit.

“yes!” Matthew Peterson nodded quickly and politely:

“Your investment director has a very good vision.”

“They were the lowest in our share price in September last year.”

“I got in while I was still here, and now the share price has gone up almost 30%!”

Stella Fei nodded slightly, and said politely:

“The share price has gone up nicely, and there’s a good chance your business is doing well,

and I hope to continue to work hard in the future.”

“There she is ! We will announce a series of good news soon, and the stock price will definitely rise again!”

Matthew Peterson said flatteringly, then glanced at Charlie’s back not far away,

and immediately He deliberately smiled and said:

“Oh, by the way, Miss Fei, just now a friend mentioned that there is a Feng Shui master,

who mentioned that you were his client.”

“Would you like to go and chat?”