Hero Of Heart 5308

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5308

At a young age, Claudia lost interest in material things and money when her peers first realized their importance.

The tragic death of his family made him take these things lightly.

In this life, he did not wish to be rich, nor did he pursue a good life or high social status.

He only wished to respect himself.

Live well in his heart, so that the spirits of your family members in heaven can feel relieved.

Therefore, seeing so many majors, he had no interest in other majors,

but archeology made him crave it.

This was not only because he wanted to know more about China,

but also because he wanted to avoid dealing with too many people as much as possible.

What archaeologists encounter every day are all kinds of historical sites and cultural relics,

and her major was unpopular, and there weren’t many classmates, which fit Claudia’s selection criteria better.

So, he decided to apply to archaeology.

And Charlie is also very supportive of this.

He knows that the major that many students apply for is not the one they like.

Scores in cultural subjects have dropped considerably, as have music and physical education.

As for students who were accepted into ordinary universities, because of their grades,

they may not be able to choose their favorite major, as long as their grades are not high enough,

they basically have to settle for the next best thing,

or even compromise and comply with the adjustments.

And Claudia could clearly tell what she wanted,

who are already more fortunate than most students.

Seeing that Claudia had made up her mind, Director Liu immediately nodded and said:

“Since you like archeology so much, then I will arrange for you to go to the Archeology Department.”

Then, he took out a stack of forms,

took out a pen, handed it to Claudia, and said:

“Your condition in all aspects has met our requirements for recruiting international students,

so you should use this form fully according to your actual situation. .”

“Fill it. All items marked with an asterisk are required, and anything else can be left blank.”

“After you fill it out and give it to me,”

“I will arrange for someone to make a notice of acceptance,

but our acceptance of notification will be later.”

“I just produced and shipped a batch together,

and the next batch may have to wait about a week,

and I will arrange to send it to you as soon as possible.”

Claudia nodded and thanked him:

“Thank you for your hard work”

Director Liu smiled slightly, looked at Issac aside, and said seriously,

“My friendship with Tuan Issac is here.”

“No need to thank me for this trouble”

In the future, at Aurous Hill University, if you need help with anything,

feel free to contact me.”

“I will contact, and I will deal with it as soon as possible.”

Then, he took out a business card from the business card holder on the table,

handed it to Claudia, and said:

“There is my mobile number, 24 Turn on the phone every hour.”

Claudia thanked him again, then started filling in her personal information.

When he filled in the emergency contact field, he saw an asterisk above it,

so he paused, but quickly passed this column,

and after filling in the other contents, he said:

“Director Liu, can I write this emergency contact later?”

{“My godmother and sister just came back from Canada,

and I haven’t had time to get a domestic mobile number.”

Director Liu nodded, and said casually:

“It’s fine, I can add it later, don’t forget. “

Charlie said at this point,

“Claudia, just fill in my cell number.”

“If there is an emergency, contacting me is more effective than contacting Aunt Li. “