Hero Of Heart 5331

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5331

After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out.

Elaine Ma walked home with Jacob’s support, cursing and swearing:

“This damn Horiyah, she was so embarrassed in front of my old lady today, I don’t think she even knows her last name!”

“Damn, God is really petty, let this kind of woman make money!”

Jacob said casually:

“Since you can’t see her like this, stay away from her in the future,

don’t pay attention to him, don’t give him a chance to humiliate you in front of you.”

“You know farts.” Elaine Ma said very seriously:

“When I was rich, even though Horiyah hated me to the bone, she always followed me behind my ass.”

“He calls me Brother Long Lan and Brother Lan short. Is that why?”

Jacob nodded:

“I know, don’t take advantage of that bastard, even though you two weren’t born to the same mother,

Your temperament and personality are no different from your own sister.”

“If you kill your father and your enemy and invite you to dinner,

you two will be fine. I will definitely go.”

Elaine Ma didn’t feel that Jacob was mocking himself at all,

but said with great pride:

“It’s called being able to bend and stretch, and no one is ever going to have a hard time with money.”

Then, Elaine Ma said:

“Hurry and help me return home, I have something important to do!”

Jacob didn’t dare to make a mistake, and quickly helped Elaine Ma into the house,

then took him to the third floor.

As soon as Elaine Ma entered the room, she ushered Jacob out,

then took out her cosmetics, and started to make up carefully in front of the mirror.

While putting on makeup, she muttered in her mouth:

“Damn, don’t you, Horiyah, make money doing live broadcasts?”

“As if no one knows how to go live, I want to go live too, Granny Ma!”

I will start broadcasting tonight! Before long, I will definitely have more fans than you,

and I will earn more money than you!”

There are also days when I don’t do my makeup carefully,

and Elaine Ma couldn’t help but use too much force once she started,

and immediately transformed herself into a heavy make-up look.

However, Elaine Ma was deeply immersed in herself in the mirror, and she muttered triumphantly:

“Isn’t this much prettier than Horiyah?”

“She Horiyah relies on selling misery to attract fans,

and I, Elaine Ma, can’t. Never lose that person.”

“Relying on her beauty, I can also attract a lot of fans!”

At this time, Claire knocked on the door, and said:

“Mom, it’s time for dinner.”

Elaine Ma didn’t care about eating, and said casually:

“I don’t want to eat, you can eat!”

she said:

“You’ve been walking all day, how could you not have dinner.”

Elaine Ma said casually:

“I don’t want to eat, my legs and feet are uncomfortable, and I have to go up and down the stairs.”

Claire didn’t say anything else after listening, turned around and left and got off,

put one dinner for Elaine Ma on a dinner plate, and then picked it up again.

Thinking that they were all women, and Mother was alone in the room, Claire didn’t knock on the door when she entered.

After entering the door, he walked in and said to Elaine Ma who was sitting at the dressing table with her back:

“Mom, nothing today.”

“Time to cook, I ordered some food to take home,

and I’ll give you one portion of each item, so you can eat while it’s hot. “

Elaine Ma turned her head, pointing to the beanbag sofa and the small table on the windowsill,

and said casually:

“Put it there first. Let’s go.”

Seeing Elaine Ma wearing heavy makeup, Claire took a step back involuntarily in fear, and said:

“Mom, you…why are you wearing such heavy makeup…”

“Is it thick?” Asked Elaine Ma. Looking around in the mirror, she muttered:

“I think that’s pretty good.”

Claire said awkwardly:

“But you’ve been out all day, what’s the point of putting on makeup when you come back…”

“Could it be that you still have to go out at night?”

Elaine Ma quickly waved her hand and said:

“If I don’t do it don’t come out or go out, I’m just playing for fun, so don’t worry!”