Hero Of Heart 5340

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5340

Elaine Ma, who was praying, was suddenly interrupted by her daughter, and said with some dissatisfaction:

“Oh, I asked Buddha to bless you, what did you do to me, really…”

Claire reminded in a low voice:

“How did you get so close to him?”

The Buddha spoke… You can ask for money if you want to ask for money.

If the Buddha really manifests, he will naturally help you fulfill your wish,

but what are you doing here to talk about things about eldest auntie…

Do you still ask the Buddha to punish others?”

“Right!” Elaine Ma was very serious, and said solemnly:

“I just want the Buddha to punish him!”

“There are more than 8 billion people in the world, and anyone can become rich, except for Horiyah!”

Elaine Ma said very decisively again:

“Therefore, the Jade Emperor is in charge of our territory.”

“Horiyah could have been rich. It was her negligence at work.”

“If he doesn’t actively correct himself, he should ask the Tathagata Buddha to criticize him!”

Willson Claire rubbed her temples, and said helplessly:

“Everyone says to be good with your kind of mind,

that you cannot see the goodness of others is a crooked mind in front of the Buddha.”

“How could the Buddha bless those with crooked minds…”

“What?” Elaine Ma was not convinced, and replied:

“It’s not that I don’t want others to be good, but I don’t want to see her Horiyah good.”

“You should know, this Horiyah is really bad!”

she said:

“It’s his fault that he’s mean. You don’t have to say it here…”

Elaine Ma pursed her lips:

“If you meet bad people and bad things in your life, you can still call 110 to call the police.”

“What’s wrong with me talking to Buddha?”

“Is Buddha not as good as the police?”

“If he doesn’t even do this,

He doesn’t deserve to be a Buddha if he doesn’t understand all issues!”

Claire doesn’t know how to refute Elaine Ma’s bullshit.

Maria Lin at the side was already dumbfounded.

Even though he had a lot of knowledge, he had hardly ever seen a stupid woman like Elaine Ma,

and he even went to the Buddha hall to talk nonsense.

As soon as he thought of his contempt and anger towards the Buddha,

Maria Lin couldn’t help but say:

“There are three poisons in Buddhism, namely greed, anger, and ignorance.”

“Greed is dissatisfaction with desire and insatiable greed;

anger is complaining about the status quo and hating other people;

ignorance is confusion and ignorance.”

“Stupid, most ordinary people have one of the three poisons,

it was rare to see someone who did the triple poison once in a few words,

The Buddha has a spirit , how can he bless those who have the three poisons…”

Elaine Ma was stunned ,

looked sideways at Maria Lin, saw her clasping her hands and her eyes slightly closed,

he couldn’t help but frown and said:

“Hey, are you talking about me? Are you pointing at Sang Huai and telling me something?”

Maria Lin opened her eyes and saw Elaine Ma said lightly:

“Sorry, I was just mumbling introspectively in front of the Buddha.”

“I may have disturbed you. I’m sorry.”

After finishing speaking, Maria Lin stood up,

looked at the Buddha statue obediently, and turned to leave.

“Hey, don’t go if you have the ability!” Elaine Ma still wants to argue with him,

but he turned and left without hesitation.

He wanted to chase and argue but found it unrealistic.

After all, her right foot is still kicking behind her. Thinking,

if you want to wake up, you have to rely on the help of your daughter Claire.

In despair, Elaine Ma could only give up in annoyance. Claire said at this time:

“Mom, I think the little girl is right.”

“You are so greedy and ignorant in front of the Buddha.”

“You can’t see any sincerity. There’s no way the Buddha blessed you.”