Hero Of Heart 5342

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5342

Although Claire and Elaine Ma’s information had not been encrypted,

it was not easy for Sun Zhidong to find out all the identities of the two through candid photos.

At the very least, it’s still hard to figure out in a short time.

So, Sun Zhidong called Maria Lin and reported on the phone:

“Miss, do you have any other information about these two people?”

“If you have other information, it will be easier to investigate.”

Maria Lin thought for a moment and said:

“I don’t have much information here.”

“That girl may be Charlie’s wife, but Charlie’s information is encrypted, and we don’t know Charlie’s current identification number.”

“Information about Charlie’s woman?”

Sun Zhidong replied:

” Since Charlie’s information is encrypted, we use Charlie as a starting point,

even if we retrieve all the information about the woman who married Charlie,

here. There will be no one you are looking for.”

Then, Sun Zhidong said again:

“But with the photos you sent, we can try using the portrait comparison system to run first,

but because the angles of the two people’s photos are different, too standard, put it in the system for fuzzy.”

“Comparison, at least thousands of people who look alike will be found,

and then a manual comparison will be made of the results.”

Maria Lin thought of something, and said:

“Oh, that’s right. , although I don’t know any information about the two of them,

but I heard them call a woman named Horiyah, this young girl called Horiyah her aunt,

and Horiyah must have been over fifty; the photos,

first help me find all the women in Aurous Hill,

named Horiyah who is over forty-five and under sixty-five years of social relations,

to see if anyone can match these two people, ‘Qian’ is not a common last name,

although it ranks second in the hundred surnames, but the population is not large,

coupled with the two filtering layers of the Aurous Hill and age,

those who meet my requirements are afraid that one hand is enough.”

“Okay!” Sun Zhidong said without hesitation:

“Miss, don’t worry, I will arrange it now!”

Previously, Maria Lin only gave Sun Zhidong photos of Claire and Elaine Ma,

but had no other information, so it would take at least days or even tens of days to find someone.

But with guidance from Horiyah, things got easier.

As Maria Lin had said, there weren’t many people with the last name Qian,

and there are just over thirty people whose first name is pronounced Horiyah on Aurous Hill.

In addition, the age range of these “Horiyah” ranges from a few years to more than seventy years.

Then filter those who are not old enough as requested by Maria Lin,

and there are only four people who meet the requirements.

It is too simple to examine the social relations of these three people.

All of them are ordinary people with no hidden information, just click on their social relations in the system,

and the system will immediately generate a tree table, listing and displaying all three generations of blood relatives.

Since the young girl Maria Lin wanted to investigate was called Aunt Horiyah,

Sun Zhidong first looked at the blood relations of the three Horiyah to see who had a brother-in-law,

and there is a daughter in the brother’s family. -in the law.

The first, Horiyah, was sixty-two years old,

although she is married and raising two children, her husband has no younger brother at home,

just an older brother and a younger sister.

The second Horiyah, forty-nine years old, is married and has a son. Although her husband has a younger brother,

the younger brother has two sons and no daughter,

so what Maria Lin said The situation didn’t match.

The third Horiyah, fifty-five years old, married thirty-three years ago and gave birth to twin sons.

The husband has two younger brothers, both of whom have daughters.

Sun Zhidong obtained information about the two princesses.

After posting the message, I found that the photo did not match the one sent by Maria Lin.

Then, the fourth Horiyah jumped into view.

This Horiyah, fifty-five years old this year, married a man named Willson Christopher 31 years ago,

gave birth to a son named Willson Harold 30 years ago,

and gave birth to a daughter named Wendy 27 years ago. .

And Willson Christopher has a younger brother named Jacob.