Hero Of Heart 5363

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5363

Although Charlie saves the lives of Mrs. Jiang’s mother and son,

he still thanked Mrs. Jiang.

This was because Madam Jiang gave her the ancestral phoenix bone and rattan bracelet without hesitation.

Originally, Charlie thought that the old lady didn’t know that phoenix bone rattan bracelet

inherited from ancestors and materials are scarce,

but he probably didn’t know how rare and precious it was.

But after this meeting,

Charlie discovers that Mrs. Jiang actually has a clearer understanding of the value of the phoenix bone rattan bracelet.

Back then, Meng Changsheng, Patriarch Meng, had just taken the phoenix bone and rattan bracelet from the ancestor of the Jiang family,

and kept it by his side for decades,

and even gave him two rejuvenating pills in a row.

Not only that, in order to find a breakthrough,

Meng Changsheng even promised to give him a chance if he sought a long life in the future

before the ancestors of the Jiang family separated.

Although Meng Changsheng did this not only to repay Fengguteng’s affection,

but Charlie guessed that Fengguteng must have played a very important role.

These past events had been passed down from generation to generation within the Jiang family, and Madam Jiang was well aware of it.

But while in Mexico, he is still willing to use this bracelet to thank himself,

which made Charlie feel a little grateful.

Moreover, the use of the phoenix bone tendrils was not just for refining twenty reshaping pills.

If you wish to refine high grade pills in the future,

phoenix bone tendrils were almost an indispensable and important ingredient. very helpful.

Because of that he also decided to use his own power

to ensure that Mrs. Jiang, mother and daughter will live their lives worry-free.

Seeing that the villa and shops had been completed, Charlie felt relieved.

Issac also ordered the Wade family’s subordinates in Shudu to take care of the mother and daughter as much as possible.

Simple treatment method.

After everything settled, Charlie said goodbye to Mrs. Jiang.

After Mrs. Jiang thanked her profusely and sent their car out of the community,

Charlie and Issac rushed to Shudu Airport overnight and took the opportunity to return to Aurous Hill.

On the plane, Issac was a little tired after driving for a day.

After the plane took off, he fell asleep in a comfortable flat chair.

Charlie was not tired, and gave Mrs. Jiang into his arms.

The painting scroll was taken out again, placed on the feet and slowly opened.

In the picture, Meng Changsheng with the fairy wind and crane bones once again jumped out of the scroll.

When she saw this painting in the Jiang family’s old house in Shunan, it was hanging high on the wall and the lights were dim.

When Mrs. Jiang told Charlie about the past events, Charlie still couldn’t focus,

so he did not appreciate the painting too carefully.

But now, after placing it in front of him and looking at it carefully with the reading light on the plane,

Charlie is further impressed by the skill and charm of this painting.

Because the ancient Chinese paid more attention to charm than reality,

in fact most of the famous ancient painters were not good at realistic painting.

The landscape, fish and insects, and characters all pay more attention to the lively charm.

And the Jiang family’s ancestral painting, although it is also a traditional Chinese painting style,

very detailed and meticulous in describing the details,

so that the Meng Changsheng in the painting felt very real and alive,

even those that sway in the wind. Their long beards look very realistic.

Maybe people in the Tang Dynasty didn’t have the habit of writing inscriptions on paintings,

Charlie didn’t find any inscriptions on the painting,

but he firmly believed in his heart that if this painting were published, in its extraordinary painting style,

Charlie was worried that it would be popular all over the world, there was a stir in the art.

Perhaps, the ranking of famous painters in the Tang Dynasty would also change because of the publication of this painting.

But Charlie naturally didn’t have this plan, he decided to treasure this painting properly,

after returning to Aurous Hill, he would not allow others to see the contents of this painting.

After admiring it intently for a long time, just as Charlie was about to roll the scroll again,

he suddenly felt that there was a slight aura fluctuation on the scroll.

This made him shiver instantly!

According to Mrs. Jiang, this painting was done by her ancestors in her old age.

Since he was old, he must have separated from Meng Changsheng long ago.

The Jiang family ancestor didn’t have the talent to master spiritual energy,

so apart from taking two rejuvenation pills and outliving the average person,

it was absolutely impossible for him to possess spiritual energy.

This also meant that the paintings he painted in his old age could not have any aura.

However, there were indeed traces of very subtle spiritual energy in this painting.

Charlie couldn’t help but ask himself,

“Could it be that this spiritual energy was left behind by Meng Changsheng?!”

“Maybe the Jiang family didn’t know that Meng Changsheng was back at a certain time. Pass!”

Thinking of this, he immediately calmed down, distributed some of the spiritual energy,

and carefully covered the entire painting, searching for the source of the traces of spiritual energy.

Immediately, he found traces of that aura on Meng Changsheng’s portrait head.

Charlie was overjoyed, and immediately used his aura to see the other party.

The moment the two auras merged, an image from the first perspective suddenly flooded into Charlie’s mind!

In the picture, a grand funeral is being held in a mountain village. The people at the funeral are not dressed in modern times,

but more like a Tang Dynasty costume.

Charlie could recognize from the topography that this mountain village was where Madame Jiang lived.

And the mountain village in the picture doesn’t look as dilapidated as it does now,

mountain village in the picture there is a rather magnificent wooden courtyard,

with carved blocks and painted buildings everywhere, it looks like a wealthy family.

However, the cemetery in the image is not a coherent real-time image,

rather it’s more like time-lapse photography sped up many times.

The crowd gathered in front of the coffin in the main hall, a middle aged man knelt down and wailed loudly,

and a group of women and children also crying endlessly behind,

and there are three paintings hanging on the wall directly opposite,

and it was Charlie who died in Jiang Lao’s life. The three photos he saw at Mrs. Jiang’s house.