Hero Of Heart Chapter 5365

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5365

With the disappearance of the image, the ethereal aura within the scroll also disappeared,

but when Charlie looked at the picture again,

he could not help but think of Meng Changsheng’s image in his mind,

and felt that Meng Changsheng in this image looked more lively and alive on paper.

He couldn’t help but guess in his heart,

what was the tone of Meng Changsheng’s life after leaving the mountain village.

Even though his lifespan has been extended, it seems like there is no important person in his life,

his wife and children had long since died, and his only son and disciple had also been buried in the ground.

Only he is still like a middle man. old man.

With his character obsessed with cultivation and yearning for longevity,

maybe after he left the mountain village,

he would still choose to return to his cave somewhere and continue to practice secretly on his own. Years and months,

which dynasty and generation.

When life is only left to practice day by day,

all her joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys can only be kept to herself,

and he can’t find anyone to share it with.

That feeling, in Charlie’s view, was not a search for long life, but a search for loneliness.

He felt that once one gave up one’s emotions and six desires,

and fall into that kind of endless loneliness, no matter how old it is, it will lose its true meaning.

And Charlie couldn’t help thinking,

if the people around him grew old as time went by,

what will happen to him?

Although the Rejuvenation Pill is good, its effects will get worse as you get older.

With the Rejuvenation Pill, it would be fine for an ordinary person to live beyond a hundred years.

He was worried that a large amount of Rejuvenation Pills would be needed to support a palate of life for up to two hundred years.

Even if I am willing to give them enough Rejuvenation Pills,

were they really willing to continue taking Rejuvenation Pills to continue their lives at that age?

It was not uncommon for someone to live to be a hundred years old, but the rest of the world had never heard of it.

If you continue to rejuvenate those close to you, so that they may always live and not grow old,

then they should stay away from everyone who knows him but doesn’t know the details at a certain critical moment,

otherwise it will definitely lead to Many people ask.

This also means that everyone has to find a hidden place to hide from the secular world at some point in time.

At that time, they and the people around them

I will try my best to avoid the normal world

like the werewolves or the vampires in Marysouri to the attention of Westerners.

For such a life, Charlie didn’t even need to ask the people around him,

he himself was the first not to accept it.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little depressed.

Even though I won’t have to worry about this matter in the next twenty or thirty years,

this was a huge problem that could not be avoided as long as he lived.

Charlie took a deep breath, put the scroll away, and stayed awake.

Since the Shu capital was not far from Aurous Hill, the plane arrived at Aurous Hill Airport in just two hours.

At this time, the sky was not even bright yet.

Charlie and Issac got off the plane, and Issac’s underlings were already waiting here.

Issac respectfully asked Charlie,

“Sir, it’s still an hour before dawn, would you like to go to Buckingham Palace to rest a bit?”

Charlie thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said,

“Arrange a car for me, and I will go to the hot springs on the Champs Elysees alone.”

“Let’s go to the villa, I will go there to rest and come back at noon.”

Charlie didn’t want to bring Meng Changsheng’s portrait with him, because it was difficult to explain to his family.

and he was afraid that he was the vice president of the Painting and Calligraphy Association,

father-in-law saw it and used it to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail Third,

she was afraid that her mother-in-law, Elaine Ma, would one day run out of money, and her mind would run hot,

so he secretly took out the painting and sold it.

Thus, he planned to put the painting in the Champs Elysees Hot Spring Villa before dawn.

Even though the family members of the villa knew about it,

because the upgraded door locks are all facial and fingerprint recognition,

only he can open it, so he doesn’t have to worry about being found out by his family.