Hero Of Heart Chapter 5370

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5370

Moreover Pu’er is a kind of tea with the color of strong soup, even though Maria Lin drinks tea continuously every day,

his clean, bright teeth were never stained by tea.

Just as he put down the book and picked up the teacup to take a sip,

there was a light knock on the door, followed by the sound of Sarangshan, and asked respectfully,

“Miss, is it convenient for you now?”

Maria Lin smiled and said, “Easier, come in.”

Sarangshan then carefully opened the courtyard door and walked out slowly.

Maria Lin looked at him and saw that he was hunched over, panting heavily, and sweat was dripping down his forehead and cheeks,

so he asked curiously,

“Why do you have to go up by yourself? The stone steps are steep, and with your current body, you should be more careful.”

Maria Lin pointed at the low bamboo bench under the tree, and said,

“Sit and talk, just drink tea.”

Sarangshan was flattered, nodded quickly, and even walked a few steps faster.

He first moved the bamboo bench,

then sat down in front of Maria Lin, and said respectfully,

“Miss… that’s right, I… I have a granddaughter who happened to come to Aurous Hill for an interview,

so I invited him to the manor as a guest.”

“By the way, have some home cooking, as I just found out this morning,

so please don’t blame me for not reporting to you earlier.”

Maria Lin picked up a new teacup, rinsed it with tea, and said with a smile,

“This is your place, you are the master, if you want to entertain guests,

why you have to report to me, I am just one of your guests. “

Sarangshan blurted out,

“Miss, this is the second thing I want to promise you.

It’s rare that you like this place, and I’m getting old,

so I’m afraid I won’t come here again after this time,

so I want to give you Zijin Villa as a gift, and I hope you can accept it!”

Maria Lin was slightly surprised, then shook her head and said with a smile,

“I’m not sure how long I will stay here, you should leave it to your descendants.”

Sarangshan hurriedly said,

“Miss, those descendants of mine have grown up in luxurious clothes and luxurious food, and their emotions are too impetuous.

To be honest, they are not worthy of this. Giving them a place like this is a waste of money,

So please don’t be polite to me.”

Maria Lin shrugged her shoulders, handed him some tea, and said with a smile,

“Since you insist, then I will not be polite to you.

One day I don’t need this house anymore, and you’re still alive,

I will return it to its original owner, if you are gone, then I will pass it on to your descendants.”

Sarangshan heard this, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, “It’s all up to you.”

Maria Lin pointed at the cup of tea she had poured for him, and said lightly,

“Drink a cup, I see you are out of breath, and you are really embarrassed. Next time, don’t drink it.”

You’ve climbed so high, if you need me,

You can call me or send me a WeChat message.”

Sarangshan respectfully cupped her hands and said, “I obey!”

As he spoke, he carefully picked up the teacup, took a sip,

then saw a piece of tea cake next to the charcoal stove, and asked doubtfully,

“Miss, this Songpin tea is still to your liking after drinking it.” Is this tea?”

Sarangshan asked someone to retrieve it from Hong Kong Island,

and brought it to Aurous Hill as a gift for Maria Lin.

Pu’er tea, this tea cake has a history of hundreds of years,

and can be called the best Pu’er tea Maria Lin wrote that she wanted Pu’er tea cake on the list she gave to sister Xian ,

but she didn’t specify what kind of tea cake she wanted, so she bought it. Buy the most expensive and best one.

Maria Lin smiled slightly at this time and said,

“Tea that can sell for hundreds of millions of cakes in the market is certainly not ordinary.

If you take the money and look for it in the market, this should be the most expensive and best Pu’er Tea you can buy.”

As she spoke, Maria Lin changed the subject and said with a smile,

“But it’s far from my best tea cake.”

Sarangshan said with a smile,

“Everything that can be bought with money can not be bought.” It is equivalent to Miss’ treasure.”

Maria Lin smiled faintly, and asked him, “Old Qiu, do you have something to tell me?”

Qiu Yingshan then laughed and said, “Of course, I can’t escape Miss’ insight!”


“Miss, this is the case. The next granddaughter will be going to Aurous Hill University to apply for a lecturer,

and with its current state, this application must be very confident.

I think you will go to Aurous Hill University to study in the future.

He will be at Aurous Hill University. It is destiny to be here today as a professor at the university,

you’d better take this opportunity to get to know him, and maybe he’ll look after you in the future.”

“That’s it…” Maria Lin smiled narrowly, and said casually,

“In that case. If there is fate, then it’s fine to know each other!”