Hero Of Heart Chapter 5380

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5380

Maria Lin shook her head and said,

“Your thinking is wrong, not how Charlie can help Yisu Delivery,

but did Yisu’s Dispatch do anything for Charlie.”

Sarangshan and Sun Zhidong couldn’t even understand the meaning of Charlie’s mastery of spiritual energy.

But Maria Lin deeply understood that with Charlie’s strength and Charlie’s courage to fight the Warriors Den,

it was impossible for any company in the world to order it.

So, after confirming this view,

and then analyze why Charlie went to see Gerard Liu as a Ysu Shipping executive,

the conclusion he could draw was that there was a high probability that Yisu Shipping had a deeper connection to Charlie.

Since most of Sarangshan’s industries are located in Singapore and Malaysia,

he has a good understanding of the current shipping market situation.

He said at this time,

“By the way, Miss, the origin of Yisu Shipping is actually not simple.

I do not know why. Their relationship with the Cataclysmicdian Front was very close.

Now the Cataclysmicdian Front has set up an armed escort company,

which has a near monopoly on parts of commercial escort throughout the Gulf of Aden.

With the protection of the Cataclysmicdian Front, Yisu Sailing ships were like nothing in the entire Gulf of Aden.

In the human realm, no pirate dares to touch their fate!”

“Front Cataclysmicdians?!” Maria Lin frowned, muttering,

“This is a well-known mercenary organization.”

“In the past, it only cooperated with the governments of various countries and local warlords.

How could it be? Is it so attached to a company?”

Sun Zhidong frowned suddenly, and muttered,

“This guy is old, and his brain is really not enough.

I just remembered something very important, which is related to the Cataclysmicdian Front.”

Maria Lin raised her head and said excitedly, “Tell me!”

Sun Zhidong said,

“The Su Family has very deep ties with the Cataclysmic Front soldiers.

Joseph’s father, owner of the Cataclysmic Front army, was once a subordinate of Zynn, the young master of the Su family.

The Su family has always wanted to destroy the Wade family.

Some time ago they joined hands with the Cataclysmic Front Army to kill Yeling Mountain,

the Wade family’s ancestral graves, and plans to level the Wade family’s ancestral graves.

In order to save their lives, the Wade family surrendered half of their family property to the Cataclysmic Front soldiers,

so they barely escaped the catastrophe … “

“How could it be?” Maria Lin said almost without thinking,

“With Charlie around, how could your Family lose?”

Sun Zhidong subconsciously said,

“But the Wade family did lose… Almost everyone in the entire country knows about this matter……”

Maria Lin shook her head and said,

“No way. As long as Charlie is on Mount Yeling that day, the Wade family will never lose.”

Sun Zhidong said, “Maybe Charlie really wasn’t there that day…”

“That’s also impossible.” Maria Lin said again:

“As you said, since Mount Yeling is the ancestral grave of the Wade family,

Charlie’s parents should be buried there,

and Charlie even dared attack the Society’s Warriors Den to avenge his parents.

Cataclysmic Front soldiers want to level the graves of his parents.

How could he not go?”

“This…” Sun Zhidong fell into deep thought.

He was also a little confused by this series of conclusions.

Maria Lin muttered at this point,

“The Su Family has ties to the Cataclysmicdian Front,

and the Su family and the Ito family have jointly established the Yisu shipping company.

This seems fine, but the problem is that the Su family and the Cataclysmicdian Front want to exterminate the Wade family.

Zufen, why did Charlie go to see Gerard Liu on Hong Kong Island as a Yisu Dispatch executive?!”

“It’s like the three Axis countries during World War II.

Tidak peduli bagaimana mereka membentuk aliansi dan bekerja sama satu sama lain,

tetapi Amerika Serikat awalnya Berjuang sampai mati dengan mereka,

bagaimana mungkin tiba-tiba berjabat tangan dengan mereka?

Jadi, saya ingin tahu, apa yang menyelesaikan kebencian antara Charlie, keluarga Su, dan tentara Front Cataclysmic?”

Sun Zhidong dan Sarangshan juga saling memandang dengan cemas.

Keluarga Su, keluarga Wade, Front Cataclysmicdian, keluarga Ito, dan Charlie,

hubungan di antara mereka tampaknya rumit dan sulit untuk membedakan kebenarannya.

Saat ini, Maria Lin berkata lagi,

“Kebencian tidak akan hilang tanpa alasan. Hilangnya kebencian pasti karena satu pihak menaklukkan pihak lain.

Ini seperti Amerika Serikat menjatuhkan dua bom atom di Jepang pada tahun 1945,

tetapi Jepang akhirnya menjadi pemimpin Amerika Serikat di Asia.

Seperti sekutu paling solid, setelah ditaklukkan, tidak akan ada lagi kebencian.”

Berbicara tentang ini, Maria Lin berkata dengan tegas;

“Keluarga Su dan Front Cataclysmicdian tidak akan pernah menaklukkan Charlie,

satu-satunya kemungkinan adalah Charlie Wade menaklukkan keluarga Su dan tentara Front Cataclysmic!”