Hero Of Heart 5392

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5392

Jemima Liu, who paid the down payment fee and only signed the down payment agreement,

went out with Sister Xian and the sales executive.

When the sales manager saw the saleswoman accept Tanaka Koichi, he said,

“Tiantian, please ask the officers to prepare the vehicles.

I will take these two distinguished guests to Building No. 1 to see the house.”

The saleswoman nodded lightly., looked at Koichi Tanaka, and wanted to talk to her superior,

but when he thought Jemima Liu was right in front of him, he swallowed the words again.

He was just about to call the concierge department when Tanaka Ko saw Jemima Liu,

and greeted him, and said:

“Hello miss, are you interested in buying a flat floor apartment on the top floor?”

Jemima Liu was slightly surprised and wary looked at each other,

he frowned and asked:

“What is it? What is it?”

Koichi Tanaka said:

“that’s my side This is very urgent, if you are willing to give me this house,

I am willing to pay you a million transfer fees!”

After Tanaka Koichi’s words, not only Jemima Liu, but also Sister Xian and the sales executives on the side were shocked stupefied.

The three of them submitted a deposit and Jin signed it,

and it only takes a few minutes or even less than ten minutes.

Unexpectedly, another person showed up at this time and wanted to buy the same house.

The other party’s purchase advance is so strong that they are willing to pay Jemima Liu 1 million transfer money directly!

While Sister Xian was surprised, she was also secretly scared.

He also made the same mistake as the sales executive just now,

and he felt that basically there would be no change in the matter.

Even if I inspected the house and made sure everything was fine before paying, there would be no risk.

This is called empiricism.

He had always felt that seeing such a house was based on his own experience,

if one or two people came to see the house every day, it was already a tall incense,

and even if there were dozens of people who had seen the house,

there won’t be more than two or three of them motivated to buy.

Among those willing to buy,

people who could actually spend the money to buy this house

probably don’t even have a tenth, so the chances are so slim that in general,

there are not many houses like this. for sale.

It so happened that Jemima Liu showed up at this time. He was the only closing client to appear in those months.

From a probability model perspective, once one has been released, one has to wait at least a few months for the next release.

Therefore, according to them, it is impossible for this house to be sold suddenly within a few tens of minutes.

But he never expected that a slap in the face would come so quickly. After a few minutes, someone wanted to buy this house.

Fortunately, Jemima Liu has a cautious personality and doesn’t want to take any risks,

so he took the initiative to ask for advance payment.

If it wasn’t like this, he was worried when they returned after seeing the house and were about to buy it,

they will find out that the house has been sold. beat their chests.

At this time, Jemima Liu looked at Koichi Tanaka with a frown, and said firmly,

“I mean, I don’t plan to sell this house, sir.”

When Hao Tian heard this, his heart was already cold, but he continued to ask questions reluctantly. ,

go and have a look at the other properties, maybe you can meet someone you like better.”

Jemima Liu shook her head emphatically,

“Sorry, I have confirmed it, and I will come to sign the contract later, and you can see the others!”