Hero Of Heart 5437

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5437

When Zhiyu Su heard Charlie say that he was going to visit the house, a burst of joy finally appeared in his heart, and he nodded gratefully and said:

“Okay Mr. Wade, then I’ll pick up my brother first, and then I’ll wait for you at my mother’s house.” ”

Issac said without thinking, “Don’t worry, young master, I’ll arrange it right away.”

Charlie nodded, then said to Zhiyu Su, “Ms. Su, let’s go to the airport first. See you in the afternoon.” “

Meet Mr. Wade in the afternoon!”

After Zhiyu Su said goodbye to Charlie, he went to the airport impatiently.

Although Zhifei Su chose to fall in love with his grandfather Chengfeng Su after his family was in danger, Zhiyu Su did not blame him in his heart.

Zhiyu Su is actually very aware of his brother’s character. He is not a bad person, but he has been pampered and raised for so many years, so he really lacks responsibility.

Moreover, grandfather had always been extremely powerful before he let go of the position of family head.

If his brother did not show his loyalty to him, then he would definitely kick him out of the house and completely deprive him of his qualifications and any chance of inheriting the Su family in the future.

This was naturally unacceptable to the pampered Zhifei Su.

Even though Zhiyu Su was still young, he knew the truth that nations were volatile and realms were difficult to change, he could understand his older brother’s choices under such circumstances.

And his brother walked on his knees thousands of miles this time, you don’t need to see him to know that he must have suffered a lot,

so she naturally felt pressured as a younger sister.

Today, Charlie unbelievably allowed his brother to come back, and Zhiyu Su couldn’t wait to see him sooner.

When Zhiyu Su drove to the airport, Zhifei Su’s plane had already landed.

Even though Zhifei Su’s clothes were tattered and out of shape, because picking him up today was unexpected, and the Wade family didn’t prepare proper clothes for him,

so that’s the only way to bring it back for now.

Due to Issac’s coordination, the Wade family staff sent Zhifei Su out of the airport directly to meet Zhiyu Su.

At this time, Zhiyu Su parked his car by the roadside and waited anxiously in the car.

When he saw several staff members walking out of the airport surrounded by a beggar-like man, he recognized him at a glance.

She didn’t care to grieve over her brother’s terrible image, and hurriedly opened the car door to meet him, shouting “Big Brother!”

Zhifei Su followed his reputation, and seeing that it was Zhiyu Su, tears immediately appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Zhiyu Su had already rushed in front of him, ignoring his dirty appearance, hugged him, and cried:

“Older brother! You’re finally back…” Zhifei Su also couldn’t help but cry

When he came out, he said in a confused and humble manner, “Zhiyu, my body is too dirty…”

“It’s okay…” Zhiyu Su shook his head, and said tearfully,

“Brother, you have been suffering for the past six months. .. “

Zhifei Su sighed, and said sincerely, “I didn’t suffer too much, but every time I think of you and Mother, I feel very guilty and can’t forgive myself…”

Zhiyu Su quickly comforted, “Those things are all over, Sis, don’t bring it up again, mother and I understand you very well.

mother is not angry with you, and I am not angry with you.”

Then, she hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, “Sis, I’m waiting for you at home, come back!”

Zhifei Su said rather shyly, “Zhiyu…I don’t think it’s good to see me in this state…

Why don’t I find a place to wash first?” Take a shower and change your clothes…”

“No need.” Zhiyu Su shook his head and said,

“Mother has prepared a complete set of clothes for you, and even a razor for you. Come back with me…”

Zhifei Su asked in surprise,

“Mom knew that Mr. Wade would let me come back today? Could it be Mother who asked Mr. Wade?”

“No.” Zhiyu Su shook his head and explained,

“I told my mother yesterday that I wanted to ask Mr. Wade today to see if he would allow you to return for father’s wedding in the meantime.

Mother said that as long as I If you open your mouth, Mr. Wade will definitely agree,

so I bought all this stuff for you yesterday afternoon.”

Zhifei Su was a little surprised, then nodded, and sighed, “It seems that Mother guessed that Mr. Wade would go online with me. Being on the sidelines…”

Zhiyu Su nodded, and hurriedly urged,

“Brother, let’s talk about it in the car, don’t keep mother waiting too anxiously. “Saying this,

Zhiyu Su thanked subordinate Ye who was traveling with him, and then He took his brother to his car.

Looking at Zhiyu Su’s clean and tidy Volvo car, Zhifei Su said carefully,

“Zhiyu, big brother is dirty and smelly, and will definitely stain your car…”

Zhiyu Su opened the door, pushed him in, and said seriously,

“Sister , we are brothers and sisters, and no car is more important than you.”

After that, he rushed back into the driver’s seat and drove away from the airport.

On the way, Zhiyu Su asked him, “Big Brother, how was your trip? Are you tired?”

tired every day. It seems like death, but I quickly got used to it. To be honest, I’m not used to it being suddenly disconnected.

The journey on the plane just now was quite torturous.”

Zhiyu Su can’t I’m a little surprised.

Thinking how my pampered older brother would have adapted to such a difficult pilgrimage.

Zhifei Su continued by saying, “Before I couldn’t endure doing anything.

Sometimes I feel that smoking really makes my airways very uncomfortable.

I want to quit smoking but it’s hard to hold on all morning;

I retreat from the sky;

sometimes I want to calm down and learn something that works for me, but nothing I can really hang on to after all these years…”

Speaking of this, Zhifei Su sighed and said with emotion, “This pilgrimage made me understand the truth.

In fact, it is not difficult to survive.

The difficulty is only in the first few days.

For the first few days of Survive, and it won’t be too hard in the future it sounds unacceptable to kneel while walking every day,

but after the first few days, i gradually got used to it, and i also quit smoking, and i endured every day without interruption after that,

the physical and mental state of the entire person had improved greatly.

I feel that I have never been so natural and whole in my life,

so I am always very grateful to Mr Wade.

It sounds hypocritical, but it comes from the heart, He reshapes my soul.”

Zhiyu Su tercengang.

He never dreamed that his lazy and playful brother, after six months of tempering, would undergo such a radical change.

The ignorant, arrogant and domineering youth quickly faded away, replaced by a humble and firm man.

This made his heart, which was still a little sad, suddenly feel a little more relieved and happy!