Hero Of Heart 5461

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5461

Charlie knew that Tianshi Hong had come here for the Rejuvenating Pill this time,

since he had found Tianqi Shi now, no matter whether he knew his identity or not,

he couldn’t let it go on like this in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, the best way now is to take the initiative.

However, Charlie also thought of one thing, that is, since Tianshi Hong is familiar with his grandmother, will he meet his parents too.

If he saw him, he could probably guess his identity based on the similarity between his appearance and his father’s.

Charlie’s plan was that if Tianshi Hong questioned his identity, he would stop at nothing and directly restrain him.

Immediately, he said to Tianqi Shi,

“Doctor Shi, you and Willson Zhao go home first, don’t worry here, I will come on time tomorrow morning!”

Tianqi Shi hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement, and said respectfully,

“Okay Mister Wade, The old man will be back in the morning!”

Charlie waved lightly at Zhovia, called her to his side, and whispered something in her ear.

Zhovia immediately nodded without hesitation and said, “Okay, Mr. Wade, Zhovia will definitely handle it!”

Charlie nodded and comforted her,

“Don’t worry, I will help you solve this problem,

no matter what, I win don’t let Ji Shi Let people take off the hall’s nameplate!”

the next day.

Charlie came to Jishitang at seven in the morning.

At this time, Jishi Hall had posted a notice that the clinic was closed today, and the plaque of Jishi Hall was still hanging at the main entrance, while the plaque of Tianshi Hall was still set aside.

Tianqi Shi changed into a long gown from the start and waited here anxiously.

When he saw Charlie come in, he rushed forward and said,

“Mr. Wade, You’re here!” Charlie nodded and asked him,

“Master Shi, Is Zhovia here?”

Tianqi Shi buru-buru berkata,

“That’s right Mr. Wade, Zhovia just called me and said it was time.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly, and then said with a smile,

“Doctor Shi went to the back to rest for a bit, I will wait here until Tianshi Hong comes to the door!”

Tianqi Shi buru-buru bertanya:

“Master Wade, would you like me to accompany you here?” Will you wait together?”

“No need.” Charlie said lightly:

“I will call you when you need Miracle Doctor Shi to come out.” “

Okay!” Tianqi Shi nodded, cupped his hands towards Charlie, and said respectfully:

“Master Wade, old man Waiting for your call from behind!”

After saying that, Tianqi Shi turned around and went to the waiting room behind Jishitang.

Charlie got up and carried the Tianshi Hall plaque, spread it directly in front of the chair, then sat back on the chair, stepping on the Tianshi Hall plaque naturally.

Immediately, a tall and thin old man with a long beard walked towards the gate aggressively.

This person was Tianshi Hong who had flown thousands of miles from the United States to Aurous Hill in search of clues about the Rejuvenating Pill.

At this time, Tianshi Hong saw that the Jishitang plaque was still hanging above, and his expression suddenly became displeased.

With his hands behind his back, he stepped over to Jishitang in big strides.

As soon as he entered, he said loudly:

“Di mana Tianqi Shi?”?!”

“I agreed to pack my things and leave last night, and take off the Jishitang plaque, why haven’t I picked it up yet?!”

Sitting on the chair, Charlie looked at Tianshi Hong, and saw that although there was no aura on this person’s body,

But he has a bit of true energy, and has reached the eight star warrior level.

A Taoist priest can have the strength of an eight-star warrior, which really impressed Charlie quite a bit.

At this time, Master Hong saw that he had called and no one answered,

so he couldn’t help but feel slightly irritated, and asked,

“Where is Tianqi Shi?! Dare to keep Jishitang’s nameplate, but he hides himself and doesn’t dare to see people?!”

At this time, Charlie deliberately coughed twice, stretched his waist and stood up, and said dissatisfiedly,

“What are you screaming at this early in the morning?”

“Is your brain stuck in the door?”

“If your brain is really stuck by the door, you should call 120 and go to the hospital. “

Tianshi Hong looked at Charlie who suddenly stood up, frowned and asked, “Who are you?”

Charlie was still worried that he might have seen his father, so he deliberately asked:

“Why, you can’t see me?”