Hero Of Heart 5463

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5463

“Damn it!”

At this time, Tianshi Hong almost gritted his teeth!

He didn’t expect that the child in front of him was so cheap, so cheap that it made people want to kill him!

Obviously he was the one who saved his dog’s life and let him go,

but instead of admitting it, he even said some rude words to himself,

it is simply ‘tolerable, which is intolerable’!

However, the more Charlie angered him, the less he dared to go against Charlie.

This wasn’t true, she was afraid of Charlie, mostly because she was afraid of causing a public safety incident here, or even a criminal case.

If that happened, the police would get involved.

Even though he’s an eight star martial artist, I definitely wouldn’t dare face the police in a metropolis like Aurous Hill.

In his opinion, it was very easy to kill Charlie alone, but only one blow could destroy his brain.

However, how to end after the fight became very troublesome.

Once he became a wanted man in Aurous Hill, how could he find the existence of the Rejuvenating Pills with peace of mind here? !

Moreover, the reason why he wanted Jishitang Tianqi Shi was because after many questions,

he knew that this Jishitang Tianqi Shi was the most famous Chinese doctor in Aurous Hill,

and there were rumors that he once cured a lame man with some kind of miraculous medicine. Patience, excellent.

At that moment, he realized that if this matter was true, then Tianqi Shi probably possessed the same elixir as Sarah Gu.

However, he had pretended to be patient several times before and had come to give it a try,

but he found that although Tianqi Shi had good medical skills in Chinese medicine,

he wasn’t good at alchemy, so it wasn’t possible for him. to perfect the potion that turns decay into magic.

So, he moved his twisted mind.

He wanted to use aggressive methods to force Tianqi Shi to compete with himself in medical skills,

and then plotted him to lose Ji Shitang for himself.

In this way, if there was a talker behind Tianqi Shi, they might be able to attract the talker.

If Tianqi Shi didn’t have such a capable person behind him, then he would be famous in Aurous Hill

if he beat him in medical skills and occupied his Jishitang.

With fame, there was also the capital to quickly gain a foothold in Aurous Hill.

And he is very clear that whether it is medical skills or metaphysics, the best talents in these two fields will become the objects of pursuit by the rich and powerful.

Once he replaced Tianqi Shi, he would definitely become a highly sought after genius doctor in the eyes of the Aurous Hill officials,

and this would also facilitate his rapid integration into the high society of Aurous Hill,

and will also make it easier for him to ask about the news. the magic pill he is looking for.

It was precisely because of this that Ji Shitang became the first battle he was determined to win in his eyes.

Although Charlie in front of him was arrogant, Tianshi Hong didn’t think Charlie would be a capable person behind Tianqi Shi, but only thought of him as a clown.

At this time, this jumping block clown kept jumping in front of him, really annoyed, but he couldn’t hit him.

so he said with a dark face:

“Son, you know, I’ve never had anyone in my life dare to do that like you!”

“​​Talk to me?”

Charlie curled his lips:

“Put a feather duster on your husky’s ass, pretend to be a wolf with a big tail,

if you want to act aggressive, head out to the Aurous Hill police station across the street, don’t piss me off here.”

“You!” Tianshi Hong was angry again and raised his hand to beat him, but when he heard that the police station was opposite, he could only forcibly shake off his impulse.

With nowhere to vent his anger, he skipped on the spot, gritted his teeth and said,

“Kid, what are you doing?” Who are you, why are you humiliating this old man again and again?!”

“To be honest, even if you are not afraid of this old man’s strength, you still have to show face to this old man when you see his age! “

He “You ran at me like a stray dog ​​and screamed at me, and asked me to show your face, who are you?”

After finishing speaking, Charlie said again,

“Come on, tell me what your last name, name, and where you live Come on, where are you going!”

“I…” Tianshi Hong’s fists crunched with anger, and his body shook like a Parkinson’s patient,

he gritted his teeth and said,

“My name is Changqing Hong! The name Dao Changqing Sanren! In North America, everyone respectfully calls me Tianshi Hong!”