Hero Of Heart 5474

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5474

“Charlie was shocked, and couldn’t help but feel a little moved, and immediately asked him”

“Did you tell fortunes for him?”

“Prediction…” Changqing Hong said awkwardly,

“I’m also proficient in divination, but it’s really strange that the grandson’s name is combined with the horoscope date of birth….”

When Charlie heard this, he secretly shook his head, even Lai Qinghua, who had studied Fengshui all his life, couldn’t find the information himself, not to mention Changqing Hong, a half-hearted Taoist priest.

Grandma thought she was fooled by Tianshi Hong’s title.

I think he’s really some kind of space expert.

But from Charlie’s objective point of view, Changqing Hong is indeed a master.

In the Taoist temple, this person must study Taoism, manage Taoism, and practice martial arts hard.

But even so, he could not only attain Body Strength. eight star warrior,

he can also master certain medical skills and divination techniques, and he even managed the “Tianshi Hong” nameplate for himself, which is enough to prove that he is an extremely intelligent and talented person.

If you are a person of other martial arts, even if you spend your whole life practicing martial arts, it is impossible to reach the height of an eight-star martial artist.

At this time, Changqing Hong thought Charlie was asking about the An family, and then remembered that Sarah Gu took the elixir she gave to save the old man of the An family, so she thought that she wanted to be friends with the An family, so she hurriedly said,

“Master Wade, the An family The old woman spoke to me on the phone a few days ago, and she said that she would come to Aurous Hill in a moment,

if you want to get to know the An family, I can help you get started.”

Charlie frowned “You said Mrs. An wants to come to Aurous Hill?”

“Ya.” Changqing Hong berkata,

“Not only the old lady, but also the old man and other members of the An family will also come,

anyway, the old lady said it on the phone, and she knew that I was one step ahead.

I came to Aurous Hill, so I greeted me and asked if I found anything in Aurous Hill.”

Speaking of this, Changqing Hong suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized,

“Oh oh! I’m going to Menglang! With Mister Wade’s supernatural powers, if I want to get to know the An family, then I don’t need my help…

I guess the An family came to Aurous Hill to find you, after all, it was your elixir that saved the old man’s life!

There is a high probability that they have come to Aurous Hill to ask you to repay them!”

Charlie My heart suddenly became crumpled.

He also knew very well that if his grandparents came to Aurous Hill, their goal would definitely be to find him.

It’s just that Changqing Hong didn’t understand the details, and didn’t know that she had three identities with the An family.

The first identity was naturally the grandson of the An family;

the second identity is the savior of the An family at Sarah Gu’s concert;

and the third identity is the real owner of the blood dispersing heart pill.

Changqing Hong thought that the An family had come to find the identity of the three, but Charlie knew very well that if his grandparents came to Aurous Hill, they must have come for their first identity!

They would definitely want to start from Aurous Hill and search for their whereabouts again.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little worried.

He wasn’t ready to meet his grandparents’ family yet.

What’s more, the enemy of the Qing Dynasty is in front, and he doesn’t want to cause trouble before that.

He has just begun to touch the fringe power of the Qing Dynasty, and I have not followed the copper mines in Cyprus and the smelters in Turkey to trace upstream.

Currently, Charlie hopes to develop in Aurous Hill in a modest way, while increasing his power and influence.

If the An family came to them at this time, on the one hand, they might find clues about themselves in Aurous Hill, on the other hand, their actions would definitely attract the attention of Warriors Den!