Hero Of Heart 5522

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5522

Even though the Middle East was in an undercurrent, but right now in Aurous Hill, everything was as calm as ever.

After Zynn and Roma’s wedding, the guests from the Su family who had come to attend the wedding also left one by one.

Master Su reluctantly flew back to Madagascar, and Zhifei Su also planned to return to the southwest to continue his pilgrimage.

As for Zynn, since she had already decided to settle down in Aurous Hill, she was still living temporarily in the He family villa after getting married.

At the same time, as he regained his freedom, he also started looking for a suitable home on Aurous Hill with Rome.

Maria Lin never stepped out of her other courtyards at Zijin Villa where she hid from the world, apart from eating, tasting tea, and reading, she spent almost all of her time painting.

He asked Sister Xian to buy a wooden table specially used for painting, and put it in the living room on the first floor.

At this time, on the wooden table, a pair of one-foot-eighth ink paintings had already formed. .

In the painting, there are mountains and mountains, and in the middle of the mountains, there is a mountain lake on the mountainside. This lake is surrounded by thousands of mountains, which looks peaceful and peaceful.

Maria Lin held a brush in her hand, and carefully painted on the painting, and the brush outlined a large tree with lush branches and leaves on the hillside next to the alpine lake.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Lao Parker said respectfully outside the door:

“Miss, there is something important to report!”

Maria Lin frowned slightly, put down the brush, and walked out the door slowly.

When he opened the door, he saw Lao Parker standing outside the door with a nervous expression on his face, so he asked curiously:

“What happened, and you panicked so much.”

Lao Parker said carefully: “Miss, this old slave must come in and talk!”

Maria Lin nodded, and let him enter the courtyard by mistake.

Lao Parker closed the door tremblingly, then said in a low voice:

“Miss, I just received a report, something big happened!”

“Big thing?” Maria Lin asked in surprise Said: “What’s the problem?”

Lao Parker explains:

“I heard that the four Earls of the Qing Dynasty have come out of the mountains. This is an unprecedented step!”

and again: “I think so too…”

Maria Lin asked him: “Is the news accurate?”

“Correct.” Old Parker said: “This matter will make a lot of noise when it destroys the Qing Dynasty. , People above the middle level of the Society of Warriors Den basically know about it.”

Maria Lin snorted and said, “I even left a message to tell them that the ring is no longer with me, so instead of holding back, why are they intensifying it?” Now, maybe besides looking for me and the ring, you should also look for Charlie…” “

It may be!” Lao Parker agreed, “As you said, Mr. Wade is very capable, not only has a way To be able to cure Willson’s cavalry guard poison, and to bring those Willson cavalry guard into his command that day,

this must be a serious concern for the Warriors Den, and they will certainly do their best to do so. investigate it.”

As he said, he asked Maria Lin: “Miss, what do you want? Didn’t think of a way to tell Mr. Wade that and make him pay more attention?”

Maria Lin smiled lightly, and said casually:

“Forget it, don’t worry about them, the more they mobilize their troops, the more it proves that they have no real clues, this world is huge,

and they have so much to investigate, it will be impossible to find Aurous Hill for a while.”

Lao Parker said nervously:

“Miss, I heard from Lao Qiu that you are going to college. Isn’t that safe?”

“Nothing is unsafe.” Maria Lin said seriously, “Let them do nothing, this group of people have been in deep thought for a whole year, and it’s impossible for them to think that after I was almost caught by them,

I didn’t find someone for in the rare deep mountains and old forests, they came to Aurous Hill to study at the university, which was unexpected.”