Hero Of Heart 5568

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5568

When Jon Wu quietly came to the outskirts of the copper mine, he was completely shocked by the sight in front of him.

He never expected that this huge copper mine, which would take tens of years to complete,

had now turned into ruins more than ten meters deep!

In the ruins at this time, a large number of construction machines were being excavated at various points.

There were even several drilling machines at the scene.

This drilling machine continuously drills underground,

trying to get soil components out hundreds of meters underground to see if there’s human DNA in them,

to determine if my copper bottom exploded someone.

Jon Wu was frightened and trembled.

He took out his cell phone to take some scenic photos after a long pause, and prepared to send them back to the hero.

After that, he saw many tents lined up set up in the air

so he decided to go in and find out about the current progress of the work of Cypriot officials.

When he found out that someone was sending samples to one of the tents lined up one after another,

she immediately leaned against him without making a sound.

Through the tent tarpaulin, he heard the conversation inside.

One of them said:

“Commander, we located the location where the anti-aircraft warhead was found earlier,

and find many warheads one by one. “

“So far, we have recovered more than 30 warheads, including four with human DNA.”

This sentence , caused Jon Wu to be extremely shocked!

He couldn’t help but think:

“Melee artillery? !”

“Why are there melee defensive weapons in the garrison of dead soldiers? !”

At this time, the commander said:

“Immediately ask biologists to check the human DNA on all four warheads to see if they are the same person. “

The reporter said: “Okay Commander, I will arrange it now.”

The commander said again: “By the way, there is one more thing. “

The reporter said respectfully: “Commander, please speak!” “

The commander said:

“I need to know where these melee defense shells are coming from, whether they were fired from inside the copper mine, or from outside the copper mine.”

“I found cartridges for melee defense weapons! “

After all, the commander said again:

“Order to dismount, let the excavation team on site look to see if there are any anti-aircraft gun shells in the wreckage,

and in addition, let the second team look for clues to the shells within two kilometers around the copper mine!”

Report The reporter immediately said: “Okay Commander, I will arrange it now!”

As soon as the words fell, a voice came from the walkie-talkie

“Report No. 31, Report No. 31, we found several 30mm melee anti-aircraft shell casings in the wreckage.”

“Please ask a gunsmith to see if these cartridges match the bullets found earlier!”

Hearing this, the commander suddenly became excited, and exclaimed:

“Send the cartridges to me immediately!”

Minutes later, a Staff member ran into the tent with several shell casings that had been squashed and deformed into rubble.

After receiving the photos, the long-range weapons experts also gave their preliminary opinions.

These shells were indeed Soviet-made 30mm close-range anti-aircraft shells, which were very consistent with their caliber and warhead model.

Basically, it can be concluded that these cartridges belong to the same batch as the warhead.

After receiving the answer, the commander exclaimed:

“This close anti-aircraft gun is actually in a copper mine…”

“In other words, the copper mine didn’t suffer a terrorist attack… They’re secretly equipping short-range anti-aircraft guns!”