Hero Of Heart 5595

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5595

Charlie had expected that Romana would say that, so Then he pursed his lips. lips deliberately and said:

“Oh, Miss Romana, you talk too much, don’t you?”

Romana said proudly:

“I, Romana, always have something to say and never say anything big!”

Charlie narrowed his eyes. eyes Smiling, he said:

“I’ll know if I’m talking big or not.”

Romana frowned “What do you mean?”

Charlie said with a smile:

“Miss Romana, you’d better lay down your arms and let me show you Palmistry.”

“A disciple!” Romana scolded sharply:

“I didn’t expect you to be so dirty in your mind besides being fluent!”

Charlie smiles:

“Miss Romana misunderstood, I don’t mean to take advantage of you.”

“I just want to make sure that you are not boasting when you say that you have never owed anyone anything!”

Romana snorted coldly, gritted her teeth and said:

“I am Romana! Never! Knows how to boast!”

Charlie nodded:

“Then Miss Romana stretched out her hand, and you will see the result in a moment.”

Romana stretched out her hand in front of Charlie angrily, and said coldly:

“I want to see, What medicine do you sell in your gourds!”

Charlie smiled lightly, reached out to gently hold Romana’s tender, white and tender palms, and joked: “Miss Long’s skin is very well-groomed, and her little hands feel slippery.” Retracting his hand, he never thought

so Charlie’s palms really can not move.

Just when she was frightened, Charlie looked at her and said with a faint smile:

“Come on, I’ll give you a chance!”

After that, he poured his spiritual energy into Romana’s slender and white palm.”

“After that the power of spiritual energy rushed into Romana’s dantian in an instant, opening the three meridians in her body that had not been opened in an instant!”

Romana only felt a surge of masculine and powerful power rush into her body, and before she could scream out in pain, she felt that power rushing into her meridians and dantians.

In the next second, he suddenly felt that the whole person’s spiritual platform was clear in an instant,

and the perception ability of the whole person has a completely new change in an instant!

He couldn’t help muttering to himself:

“I…why did my meridian suddenly become clear?!”

Charlie said with a smile:

“Miss Romana, congratulations, you are now a martial artist in the Dzogchen realm of the Ming World!”

“What?!” Romana and Changqing Hong exclaimed!

Romana had regarded the Great Refinement of the Ming Realm as her ultimate goal in life, and she never dreamed that it would come true in an instant now.

And Changqing Hong was terrified.

He knew that Charlie was very strong, but he didn’t know that Charlie was so strong.

Not only could he seal his four meridians while talking and laughing,

but he can also close his three meridians.

Even Romana’s meridians opened in the blink of an eye!!

The simple Romana only had the excitement and joy of suddenly becoming a Dzogchen master in the Ming Realm in her mind,

and he had no time to think about what was going on.

But at this time, Charlie suddenly used spiritual energy to reseal the three meridians he had just opened,

looked at him and said with a smile:

“Oh, sorry, Miss Romana, I really want to give you a chance.”

Charlie said again:

“But I just remembered that you just made it clear that you are never indebted to anyone!”

“How can I make things difficult for you?”