Hero Of Heart 5645

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5645

The An family had long known that the old lady was going to Aurous Hill.

Moreover, his decision had long been approved by the whole family.

After experiencing a crisis that almost destroyed the family,

the An family that survived the catastrophe lost interest in career, money, and status,

and hope to try our best to make up for the lack of living in the future.

For the entire An family, Margaret An’s death is of course the greatest regret.

And what happened next was Charlie’s whereabouts unknown.

Margaret An’s death is irreparable, and the only thing that can make up for it now is finding Charlie.

Especially the old man’s Alzheimer’s disease is getting more and more serious. When the An family doesn’t want to find Charlie in the future, the old man can’t remember Charlie at all.

On weekdays, Marshal An, as the general manager of the An Family’s internal affairs,

had arranged for his subordinates to buy the Aurous Hill Wanliu Villa first,

and at the same time coordinated more than a hundred martial arts masters and trained bodyguards to head to Aurous Hill for advance preparations.

There are so many masters protecting Wanliu Mountain Villa layer by layer,

and China’s law and order is much better than in the United States,

and there was no proliferation of weapons, so for the An family, the safety of Aurous Hill was also very important.

Much higher than the US.

At this time, Marshal An said: “Mom, this time I will go with you and Dad first.

Zhao Nan and Tece will stay in the United States to manage children’s affairs.

Once the children are settled, they will head to Aurous Hill to follow us.

“Convergence, Marcus is not in a hurry to leave for a while. Some business affairs in the United States, as well as various board of directors matters, still need to be arranged by Marcus, so Marcus is the last to go.”

Madam An didn’t mind this arrangement

, So he nodded and said: “Just follow Marshal An’s arrangement.”

The others also nodded one by one.

With prestige, even Marcus An, who is in charge of the entire An family business, always obeys Marshal An in the internal affairs of the family.

Marshal An saw that no one objected, so he asked the old lady:

“Mom, when do you think it’s suitable for us to go?”

Old madam An said without thinking:

“Let’s go at night! We will arrive after a good night’s sleep.”

“I’ve already asked Tianshi Hong to look into Wanliu Villa’s feng shui,

and Tianshi Hong said that the natural environment there is very good.”

“Compared to a metropolis like New York, it is more suitable for our parents to recover.”

Marshal immediately said:

“Okay, mom. , then I will coordinate the plane now and go there as soon as possible.”

“Oh, yes.” The old woman suddenly remembered something and said, “There is something I have been doubting for a long time, but I still want to greet you.”

Everyone hurriedly said:

“Mom, tell me!”

The old woman looked around at the crowd, and then said:

“This time, when you go to Aurous Hill, none of you are allowed to bring your family members,

tell them what I mean, if they complain about me, let them complain”

Martel’s wife who had been with him for twenty years turned out to be an undercover agent of the Society’s Warriors Den for over twenty years.

This incident made the old lady very insecure.

He also didn’t know if the other half of his eldest son Marshal An, second son Marcus An, and youngest daughter Tece An had the same hidden danger.

so this time he went to Aurous Hill to find clues about his grandson. , Margaret An has passed away,

if Charlie got involved due to inadequate secrecy work,

he was afraid that he would not be able to explain to his eldest daughter after her death.

Marshal An, Marcus An, and Tece An also understood the old lady’s worries very well.

Even though they really trusted their partner, neither one dared to speak too much at this time.