Hero Of Heart 5677

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5677

Hence, even though he was being stared at by Charlie, he remained calm and composed,

with a polite and reserved smile on his face all the time.

Claudia asked in surprise at this time: “Are you also from the Archeology Department?”

“Yes!” Maria Lin nodded, and asked curiously, “You too?”

Claudia nodded and said, “I…”

Maria Lin smiled and said:

“It is such a coincidence! We are both international students. They all speak Chinese, and they’re all from the Archeology Department!”

Claudia also felt quite extraordinary, and said seriously:

“They said that no one in the Archeology Department registered,

especially no women registered.”

“A girl is ready, but I never expected to meet a female classmate from the same major!”

Li Willsonfen beside said with a smile:

“What’s more important is that the two of you are placed in the same dormitory, which is absolutely fated!”

” That’s right!” Aunt Li also smiled and said: “So, you two are really fated!”

At this time, Claudia remembered to introduce herself to Maria Lin:

“Hello, my name is Claudia. Claudia Dinosio, Canadian of mixed Chinese and Italian.”

Maria Lin nodded, extended her hand to shake his hand, and said with a smile:

“I am Malaysian Chinese, from now on we will all be classmates in the same dormitory, just call me Willson Wan okay.”

Seeing Maria Lin coming alone, the always enthusiastic Li Willsonfen couldn’t help but ask:

“Willson Wan, did you come to Aurous Hill from Malaysia to register?”

Maria Lin shook her head and said:

“My grandfather also came to Aurous Hill with me. “

“But after all, I’m an adult, so I didn’t ask him to come with me.”

Li Willsonfen said:

“We were only planning on going to the cafeteria for lunch during the day,

so we can taste the food cooked in the cafeteria.”

“Do you want to come together?”

Maria Lin politely refused:

“Thank you, but I have to go home in the afternoon, grandparents are waiting for me at home on Aurous Hill,

let’s eat together when I have the chance, after all, I’ll be staying at Aurous Hill University for four years.”

Li Willsonfen nodded and said with a smile:

“Okay, there will If you have the chance, you can come to the house with Claudia for dinner.”

“Okay!” Maria Lin nodded, and said with a smile:

“I will definitely visit you when I have the chance!”

Charlie stood aside, not speaking from start to finish,

his eyes kept on Maria Lin, but the strange thing was that he couldn’t see anything unnatural about Maria Lin,

and he never looks at himself, it seems he really doesn’t know himself.

The ring in his pocket was still ticking, apparently very excited by Maria Lin’s appearance,

which made Charlie suddenly think:

“The ring should have sensed Maria Lin, so there was such a beating show. ..”

“Before at Aurous Hill College, And in Tomson’s first grade,

the ring also jumped twice, could it be that Maria Lin is nearby?”

“Could it be that he noticed me?”

Thinking of this, Charlie Wade was very alert,

he felt that he had to find an opportunity to find out what was going on with this Maria Lin.

Right now, Claudia, Li Willsonfen, and Aunt Li were saying goodbye to Maria Lin, and were about to leave the dormitory and go to the cafeteria.

Charlie temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and left the dormitory with the three of them.

Walking downstairs, the ring in Charlie’s pocket gradually calmed down again,

and Li Willsonfen couldn’t help but sigh at this time:

“Maria Lin is too beautiful, isn’t she?”

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful Asian girl.” Woman …”

“Yeah…” Claudia also agreed very much: “Such a beautiful girl is indeed very rare.”

Li Willsonfen asked Charlie:

“Brother Charlie, what do you think?”

“how to verify whether Maria Lin deliberately approached me.”

So, he pretended to think of something suddenly, and said:

“It’s broken, I really wanted to leave the car keys in Claudia’s room,

You go to the cafeteria first, I will come back and look for it!”