Hero Of Heart 5678

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5678

From the moment Charlie left, Maria Lin hoped that Charlie would definitely return.

Thus, he did not relax for a moment, and he packed up his personal belongings pretending to be calm.

When Charlie returned to the dormitory door, it was still open.

He pushed the door straight in and said in a cold voice:

“Maria Lin, what is your purpose in coming to Aurous Hill?”

Maria Lin was surprised.

It was just that he had already rehearsed this shocking stunt countless times.

At this moment, he called out just in time, turning to look at Charlie,

very nervous, and asked very wary:

“You… who are you?!”

Charlie sneered and asked her:

“It’s a bit fake to ask who I am after chasing me here?”

Maria Lin showed even greater panic, she couldn’t help taking a step back, and said nervously:

“You… who are you… why?”

“Will know all three of Maria Lin’s words…”

Charlie snorted and said:

“What? Are you still pretending? Come on, let me show you something!”

As he said, he took a jumping ball from his pocket. The ring is removed.

And Maria Lin also cooperated very well to make a more surprised expression, and said:

“Why do you have this ring?!”

“Quickly return to me!”

Then, he rushed forward, trying to get it out of Charlie’s hands. Take the key.

Charlie frowned. Judging from Maria Lin’s performance, it seems that this girl really doesn’t remember herself,

nor does he remember that he met her,

he doesn’t remember that he saved her, and he doesn’t remember that he gave the ring on his own initiative.

However, Charlie didn’t dare jump to conclusions,

so he held the ring high, and said coldly:

“You gave me this ring with your own hand,

do you want to admit it or not remember?”

“Impossible!” Maria Lin exclaimed in an extremely angry tone:

“This ring is a relic left behind by my father! “

“I have always regarded it as a treasure, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to you!”

“You must have stolen it from me That!”

“Tell me! Are you a member of the Denhui Warriors?”

Charlie was even more confused when he heard him mention the word Warriors Denhui.

He also couldn’t tell if the girl’s series of behaviors were fake or real.

So, he injected a beam of spiritual energy into Maria Lin’s brain again,

and this time he used more spiritual energy than usual!

Maria Lin felt a burst of spiritual energy enter the spiritual sea,

but his thinking was completely unaffected by this spiritual energy,

but he still cooperated very well and was calm, staring at Charlie with vacant eyes.

Charlie felt that he had used up more aura this time, so he should be safe, so he asked:

“Do you still remember who I am?”

Maria Lin shook her head.

Charlie asked again:

“Have you never seen me?”

Maria Lin muttered: “I have never been.”

Charlie asked again:

“Do you remember when you were almost killed in Northern Europe?”

Maria Lin nodded: “Partially Yes.”

Charlie said: “Come listen!”

Maria Lin said very cooperatively:

“I only remember things in Northern Europe, I packed my things and got ready to go,

but then my memory fades,

I don’t know why I fell into a coma. When I woke up again,

most of the people around me have been killed, and the ring my father gave me is missing. ”

Charlie asked again:

“You know that the Warriors Den will come after you. “

“Why do you still come to Aurous Hill to study at the university in such a grand manner? “

Maria Lin said with a dull expression:

“It’s not an option to always hide somewhere, they think I’ll hide again,

and the farther the farther, I’ll go where the most people live in a different place,

I think this is not only hidden in the world, but also unexpected,

so I chose to come to China. “

Charlie frowned, and asked again:

“Why did you choose to come to Aurous Hill?”

“Why Aurous Hill College?”

Maria Lin kept calm, and answered one by one:

“The reason for coming to Aurous Hill is because my grandfather has some connections in Aurous Hill

and can help me arrange my acceptance to Aurous Hill University.”

“Your grandfather?” Charlie asked again: “Who is your grandfather?”

Maria Lin said: “My grandfather is the richest man in Malaysia, Sarangshan.”