Hero Of Heart 5688

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5688

“No need.” Charlie said lightly,

“You go to Antique Street, find two clever street vendors you can eat and walk around,

give them a ring, let them wear it on their hand,

and then go to the arrival hall from the airport, and go to the exit of the high-speed rail station.

Hold the sign for me and wait for someone to pick up.”

“For whoever invites, it doesn’t matter, you just write their name.”

“Uh…”Parker Ermao looked surprised:

“Mr. Wade, who will you invite?”

” Just write whatever you want. “

“Personal name, I don’t think I can pick up anyone, can I?”

Charlie said lightly:

“I’m not going to invite someone, I’m waiting for someone!”

After that, Charlie said very seriously:

“Parker Ermao, I will talk to you next. Listen carefully to what you say! “

“If this problem is solved well, I, Charlie, will promise you glory and wealth in the future!”

When Parker Ermao heard this, he immediately sat up straight and excited, and said respectfully:

“Master Wade, just give the order! Ermao will definitely go all out! “

Charlie nodded, and said verbatim:

“You paid a heavy price to keep the two of them waiting every day from the moment the airport and high-speed rail station opened until they closed,

and waited until someone asked where it came from. jade keys in their hands. “

“You have to make them both clearly say they bought it from you,

and told them that if the other party asked them to buy it at a high price,

let them ask for it at 100 times its true market value, and sell nothing less.”

Although Parker Ermao was confused, he still understood Charlie’s request, and quickly said:

“Master Wade, don’t worry, I will do it!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, and handed the thunderbolt to Parker Ermao,

using spiritual energy, said to him with a psychological hint:

“Keep this thing to yourself, take it back to your antique ways, and continue to operate your antique stall,

but you have to remember, you have to put it in the most conspicuous position in your booth,

and whoever comes to ask the price, you will ask five million, not a penny less. “

“If someone asks where the Lightning Amulet comes from,

You just tell him It was just dug out of a living hole some time ago.”

” When someone asks you,

You have to firmly believe in your heart that these three things were all dug up from the pit of life, understand? “

Parker Ermao’s eyes froze, and he nodded heavily: “Understood!”

Charlie could see that the psychological clues were having an effect on Parker Ermao.

So, he said to Parker Ermao:

“If this lightning strike wood is bought by someone, you tell me immediately;

if it is stolen, you also tell me immediately.”

Parker Ermao immediately said respectfully: “Okay, Mr. Wade! Come on do it, little one!”

Charlie sent Parker Ermao out of the villa, a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

The reason why he wanted to do this was to hang a “bell” on each of the two gates of Aurous Hill,

and the two “bells” were the two jade finger rings he gave to Parker Ermao.

These two jade lock fingers looked not very attractive, and most people would not be interested in looking at them.

As Parker Ermao said, the material of these two jade lock fingers is average, and the price itself is not very high. ,

Even people who understand antiquities wouldn’t take it seriously.

Therefore, when two people wear jade fingers and wait for people at airports and high-speed rail stations with signs,

only one kind of person pays attention to the jade finger on their finger,

that is, those who can see. through the jade finger On the finger, there is someone with a formation!

And those who could see through the formations on the jade fingers were definitely those who had mastered spiritual energy.

Who masters Reiki?