Hero Of Heart 5690

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5690

As Charlie started to plan ahead, the rest of the An family including Charlie’s uncle, uncle, and second aunt also arrived at Wanliu Villa one after another.

Ever since the An family started recording videos for old man Nicolas An every day,

they discovered that the old man’s memories had changed soon after he came to Aurous Hill and stayed at Wanliu Villa.

In the past, the old man’s memory continuously deteriorated, he definitely couldn’t remember what happened recently,

even what happens before going to sleep, after waking up.

However, in the past few days since he had stayed at Wanliu Villa,

the old man could remember almost everything he experienced himself, after comparing it to the content recorded in the video,

he discovered that the old man could actually remember what happened yesterday. nine out of ten.

This change made the An family very happy.

Moreover, everyone lived in the villa which was located in the center, and after they stayed, they all felt refreshed and comfortable,

which made them firmly believe that this place was a real piece of land,

Fengshui treasure land.

In the past two days, the An family started spreading the scope of the investigations in Aurous Hill one after another,

their efficiency is very high, and they have penetrated into the civil affairs system, the welfare assistance system, and the medical records of large hospitals.

No information regarding Charlie was found.

The An family hoped that things would not go too smoothly, so they weren’t discouraged.

Just when Parker Ermao got Charlie’s instructions and started to make three magical artifacts grow old,

the old couple of the An family called a few children together,

He called Duncan Li again, and they had a meeting together.

Since the memories of the past few days were extremely complete,

The cunning Nicolas An gradually found a master’s rhythm after analyzing the current situation,

he temporarily set his next plan in two directions.

One was Marcus An leading others to continue a carpet search of Aurous Hill,

looking for all possible clues related to Charlie;

Information about the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill.

After all, in the eyes of the An family,

the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill was most likely the same person as the benefactor who saved the An family in the United States that day.

Ask a benefactor to help locate Charlie.

Marshal didn’t dare to delay, and immediately contacted the people from the Song Group,

and after announcing his identity, he requested to visit Warnia.

The last time Marshal An came to visit Warnia, the name he reported was still a fake identity called Huo Yuanzheng.

Therefore, Warnia’s assistant never dreamed that America’s famous An Family would take the initiative to contact the Song Group,

and the eldest son of the An family wanted to visit Warnia in person.

This feeling is not unlike that of a start-up IT company of 30 or 40 people who suddenly gets a request from Bill Gates for a visit.

The excited assistant ran into the conference room regardless of Warnia’s meeting with the supplier,

and excitedly said in Warnia’s ear:

“President Song… The American An Family would like to make an appointment with you to visit the group in person!”

“An family?” Warnia couldn’t help frowning.

If the other businessmen in Aurous Hill heard that the An family was coming to visit, they would be overjoyed,

but Warnia subconsciously became worried.

He had received a reminder from Charlie long ago,

learning that the An family is looking for clues for Charlie in Aurous Hill,

which of the two will eventually lead to Charlie.