Hero Of Heart 5728

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5728

The Rejuvenation Pill was brought with him, but Maria Lin had seen the world,

and she really didn’t dare give him the Rejuvenation Pill,

so three quarters of the perfected version of the Blood Splatter Heart Rescue Pill was taken as a guarantee for him.

Seeing that it was getting late, Charlie stood up and said to the two of them,

“Okay, since Maria Lin is fine, I should go back.”

Claudia felt a little reluctant, and couldn’t help asking:

“Brother Charlie, you have to go now. Would you like to sit down for a bit, and I’ll get you a glass of water!”

It’s not appropriate for you to stay here for too long, if you wait a bit longer,

I thought the auntie in charge would come to kick me out.”

As he spoke, Charlie remembered something, and said:

“Oh, by the way, you two will start tomorrow. military Training,

Military training is tough, so if you two haven’t had anything to do this whole time,

try not to leave school.”

Claudia couldn’t hear the meaning of Charlie’s words, she nodded subconsciously and said:

“Brother Charlie, I already told Aunt Li and Sister Willsonfen that during the two weeks of military training,

I will stay at school and not go anywhere or come back to live.”

Maria Lin suspected that Charlie might be worried about his own health.

A matter of safety, otherwise, he would have kept the remaining pills for himself.

Even though he didn’t know the specific reason why Charlie was worried for his safety, he still said:

“Brother Charlie, don’t worry, I’m also at school these days, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“That’s good.” Charlie relaxed a bit. Take a breath.

He felt that it was actually very easy to hide in the university’s relatively closed environment.

As long as Maria Lin didn’t leave Aurous Hill University during this period,

even if the Prince of the Qing Dynasty came, it would be difficult to hide it. Find him.

And I’ve asked Parker Ermao to release the bait.

Once the earl of the Qing Dynasty really came to Aurous Hill,

He would definitely find an opportunity to kill him.

Before that, as long as Maria Lin wasn’t found by the other party, nothing would happen. Danger.

The two girls send Charlie downstairs together.

Even though they had their own thoughts, when they said goodbye to Charlie, they felt a little reluctant.

Charlie got into the car, still feeling something was wrong, so he rolled down the car window,

and said to Maria Lin who was standing beside Claudia:

“Maria Lin, please write down my cell phone number, and if you have anything to do,

please contact me directly. Contact me.”

Maria Lin was surprised, then nodded quickly, and said gratefully:

“Okay, brother Charlie…”

After finishing speaking, he took out his cell phone and wrote down the mobile number specified by Charlie.

Charlie said to Claudia again:

“Claudia, you too, remember to contact me as soon as you have something to do.”

Claudia smiled sweetly: “I know Brother Charlie!”

Charlie was relieved Come on, said: “Okay, you come back, I go!”

After he finished speaking, he started the car and drove away from Aurous Hill University.

On the way back to the hostel, Claudia said with some disappointment:

“Oh, I don’t know if there is a man as good as Brother Charlie in the world.”

Maria Lin frowned, thinking the whole time.

When did he hear Claudia’s words, he subconsciously said,

“It shouldn’t be possible to find a second one, but if you really like it,

it is not impossible to fight for it.”

Claudia said shyly, “Maria Lin, what nonsense are you talking about. ..”

Maria Lin smiled and said,

“You can’t wait to write the word ‘admiration’ on your face, and you dare to call me bullshit…”