Hero Of Heart 5747

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5747

Paker Ermao said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, look.”

Charlie nodded and told him: “Er Mao, you go out and wait for me for a while.”

“Good!” Parker Ermao said without hesitation: “Mr. Wade, call me anytime you need anything.”

After he finished speaking, he respectfully left the office.

Charlie quickly used his spiritual energy to adjust the formation on the Lightning Talisman.

A few minutes later, he called Parker Ermao, handed him a customized Lightning Talisman, used some spiritual energy, and told him:

“Ermao, take this wooden lightning back now.

If the other party asks you about the details of the tomb robbery and do you have any other products besides these lightning wood pieces,

You can tell him, lightning rod and wrench,

Everything is distributed to you by your Master, and you do not know where or how much you dig something ;” “

If he asks who is your master,

You also tell him that you don’t know. family will contact you once,

if he wants to see your family before,

ask him to leave a phone number for you,

and after your previous family contacted you, you will contact you again. ,

You can call him.”

Parker Ermao didn’t know that he had been hinted at by Charlie,

so he immediately nodded his head and said respectfully:

“Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I remember everything”

“Okay.” Charlie said with satisfaction:

“You can go back, this time you can keep all the money you got from selling these two items for yourself.

Do not neglect my heart.”

Parker Er Mao hurriedly said, “Thank you, Mister Wade! “

A few minutes later, Parker Ermao returned to Antique Street.

Someone asked him:

“Sister Ermao, why did you go there now?”

“Some people ask you something.”

At this time, he didn’t know that this thing had been renovated by Charlie.

Twenty minutes later. An old man in a long dress walked down the antique street with hasty steps.

This person is Jermo.

Taking a taxi from the airport to Antique Street, he kept urging the driver to drive faster,

but even so, it took us almost forty minutes to get here.

The first thing Jermo did when he walked into Antique Street was to quickly check for any fluctuations in the aura around him.

His eyes and consciousness scanned the dozens of stalls he had just entered, but he found no trace of any aura.

After he walked more than a hundred meters into the depths of the antique road, he immediately discovered that not far away, there was a special fluctuation that was almost the same as an airport jade wrench!

His eyes immediately shifted to a undulating spot, and he saw a middle-aged man with mischievous eyebrows and two mustaches standing in front of a booth, eloquently introducing products to a tourist.

This middle-aged man was Parker Ermao.

Immediately, Jermo’s eyes passed over Parker Ermao, and landed on a piece of lightning bolt in the middle of Parker Ermao’s booth.

At this time, Jermo was very excited, because he knew that the wood that was struck by lightning was a magic weapon!

He had never seen a magic weapon outside in his life, and he found two in a row before he came to Aurous Hill

It seemed that he was very fortunate to be able to come to Aurous Hill this time!