Hero Of Heart 5755

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5755

In comparison, the wooden sword given to him by Lord was much weaker!

The overly excited Jermo stood at the edge of the deep pit, looked at the intact Jingleiling, and muttered to himself:

“The power of this lightning strike wood is truly terrifying! “

“With that, even if he faces stronger opponents than me in the future

It seems that he is very lucky to be able to come to Aurous Hill this time!”

Thinking of this, Jermo complained again:

“It’s just that this thing consumes a lot of spiritual energy, and it’s consumed just by throwing it once.

One -a third of my aura, looks like I won’t be able to use it easily in the future,

the aura that was lost just now can only be replenished after the task is completed, and I beg God to give me medicine…”

After that, he was a little reluctant. Putting Jinglei Ling away carefully, he couldn’t help but sigh:

“The feeling of summoning Tianlei just now was really exciting! It seems that I have merged with heaven and earth, very happy!

It’s just that everything happened too fast, and it happened suddenly,

He didn’t have enough time to experience it slowly, it would be great if he could do it again!

Jermo put on his clothes again, holding the Thunderbolt in his palm again.

But after a moment’s hesitation, he let go of her hand again, took it out of his clothes, and muttered:

“No, this thing consumes too much spiritual energy.

If that happened again, his strength would drop too much in a short amount of time. period of time.

I’m afraid it won’t be easy to complete the task, so please be patient!”

Jermo didn’t know that the reason why a large amount of spiritual energy was needed to cast the Thunderbolt was because of Charlie’s intentions.

So, he took out the jade wrench again, and thought to himself:

“What is the effect of this wrench?”

“Looks like a passively triggered formation. Could it be a talisman?”

“If so, this thing you can’t try rashly. , otherwise, if it loses its effect, wouldn’t it be a big loss?”

At this point, he also brought his finger closer, and said enthusiastically:

“Aurous Hill, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, is actually not just a vain name.

If he obtains two Magical Artifacts, if he waits a few more days, perhaps he will have another advantage!”

Immediately, Jermo decided that for the next few days, he would not do anything to the An family for the time being,

and will be going to Antique Street to find Parker Ermao tomorrow, to see if he can touch her past. family, and try to get some magic weapons!

at the same time.

Charlie was still looking at the dark clouds above Phoenix Mountain in the west, hesitating in his heart.

What she was struggling with was whether he should get on a helicopter straight from Buckingham Palace and rush over to Phoenix Mountain to meet her briefly.

If he rushed now, he might still be able to find the Earl Warriors Den on Phoenix Mountain.

After all, he now knew what he was like, if he could find him in the mountains,

he would fight him head-on, and it would be best to kill him head-on!

However, Charlie quickly rejected this idea.

If he rushed now, it was still unknown whether he would be able to find the other party,

even if he was discovered, it might be inconvenient for him to start a war with him.

After all, it was currently broad daylight, and if the two really fought and couldn’t tell the winner for a while, it would likely attract the attention of the outside world.

If the matter of his spiritual energy mastery was exposed, it could cause shocks throughout society.

Therefore, Charlie hesitated for a moment, and gave up the idea of ​​going to Phoenix Mountain immediately.

As for how to deal with this person, it still needs a long-term plan!

However, since the opponent has obtained the Thunderbolt, Charlie’s chance of killing the opponent in the future is slightly higher!