Hero Of Heart 5771

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5771

Parker Ermao said quickly:

“But buyers can’t wait that long,

he told me today that he can only wait until it gets dark

the next day at the latest, see if we can deliver the goods to him earlier.

After all, after passing through this village, there won’t be any shops like that.”

Hearing Parker Ermao say that the predecessors of Warriors Den can only wait until it gets dark the next day,

Charlie’s heart shook.

He felt that since the other party would say that,

there’s a good chance the day after tomorrow will be the time to do it!

If there was to be a battle between him and her, then this battle had to be the night after tomorrow!

So he said to Parker Ermao:

“Let me think about this problem again.”

“If the police have done nothing in the last two days and the timing is right,

it is not impossible to send him a few more items. “

Parker Ermao asked:

“Then I will. Should I notify the buyer in advance?”

“No need.” Charlie said nonchalantly:

“For caution’s sake, let’s observe in secret first, and don’t get too active for now.”

“Okay!” Parker Ermao smiled and said:

“Then I What do you have to do in two days?”

Charlie said:

“Let’s continue to set up stalls on Antique Street, and I will let you know if there are any special circumstances.”

“Okay !” Parker Ermao hung up and recorded a voice call with Charlie Deleted,

then kicked the phone back into his pocket, and began to close his eyes and rest.

He wondered in his heart:

“I don’t know why Mr. Wade is so careful,

and specifically told me to talk to him according to the script he arranged.

even after I got into the Buckingham Palace car.”

“Doesn’t Mr. Wade still trust the people at Buckingham Palace?”

“But they are all trusted people carefully developed by Tuan Issac…”

“Besides, why did you say that you have to use WeChat to talk?”

“Are you afraid of being scrutinized by someone on the phone?”

Parker Ermao didn’t know that the contents of the phone call he had with Charlie just now had already been heard by Jermo,

who sat in the cab behind him.

The reason why he secretly followed Parker Ermao was to give himself backhand,

and the deadline for the final act is the day after tomorrow, so he has no other task at the moment,

so he might as well take the opportunity to follow Parker Ermao and clarify the situation.

Fortunately, he was able to find his home earlier.

It was precisely because of this that he concentrated on listening to every word Parker Ermao said in the car, as well as every word on the phone.

After he listened to this, he deeply believed in everything Parker Ermao had said before.

Soon, the Rolls Royce that Parker Ermao was driving stopped at the entrance of Yinghuang International.

When Yinghuang International’s doorman saw the Rolls Royce that Parker Ermao was driving,

she rushes to the side of the road to greet him.

As soon as the car stopped, he immediately opened Parker Ermao’s car door, and said respectfully:

“Mr. Parker, You’re here!”

Parker Ermao hummed, took out a few hundred yuan, and proudly put it in the other party.

At this time, a charming female publicist came twisting the water snake’s waist,

and asked in a charming and gentle tone:

“Brother Parker, you are here, what do you plan to do today, and my sister will arrange it for you!”

Parker Ermao said proudly Said:

“Open the biggest booth, serve the most expensive set meal, and arrange two takeaway girls for me at night,

remember, I only want Japanese today!”

The female publicist said somewhat embarrassedly:

“Parker Brother, in our place, Japanese girls are not as popular as European and American girls,

and I only have one Japanese girl under my management,

or my sister can find a Korean one for you,

do you think you can be satisfied with that?”

Parker Ermao waved his hand:

“I can not do it! “

“Brother Parker has to ask two Japanese today! “

“Go and find a way for me. “

“If you can’t, you can borrow one from somewhere else. “

“The price is negotiable! I’ll give you 10,000 yuan when it’s done!”

When the female publicist heard this, she suddenly regained her spirits, and said with a smile:

“Brother Parker, you are very magnanimous. “

“With your words, I will find a way to find another one for you today. “

“Very impossible. Brother Parker, look at me.”

“Are you in a hurry to change your nationality now?” Parker Ermao pinched her slender waist

and praised with a smile:

“You are still the best at talking!”