Hero Of Heart 5773

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5773

the next day.

Parker Ermao slept until the sun was high again.

Charlie wasn’t looking for him, so after a sumptuous meal at the hotel at noon,

he casually came to Antique Street to continue selling stalls.

As soon as the booth was set up, Jermo came.

Seeing Parker Ermao’s drunken look, he couldn’t wait to ask him:

“Ermao, did your master give you a letter?”

Parker Ermao shook his head, yawned and said:

“Not yet. They had been thinking of various ways to withdraw the cash since last night.

The amount of cash withdrawn each time cannot be too much, so it may take a little time. “

Jermo was a little upset, and said,

“Ermao, I will probably be leaving Aurous Hill tomorrow evening.

If I leave, we won’t have the chance to work together in the future. “

Parker Ermao also said regretfully:

“Old man, tomorrow night This point in time is indeed a bit tight,

why don’t you stay a few more days, and you can wait another three to five days.

If you’re really bored, you can move in to live with me at Buckingham Palace, and I’ll start a business there.

I bought a presidential suite, and I only sleep in one of the four bedrooms,

and you can sleep in the remaining three bedrooms.”

Jermo politely declined:

“Ermao, thank you for your kindness, but I am old, and I am not like the vanity of the presidential suite.

Besides, I’ve never joked with you before, I can only wait until tomorrow night at most,

you’d better find a way to contact your former family again,

and tell him that if there are no new products by tomorrow night, After that, we don’t need to work together.”

Parker Ermao nodded:

“Okay, let me ask, and I will write to you tomorrow.”

Jermo hastily said:

“Then see you tomorrow.”

“Okay!” Parker Ermao Without hesitation, he agreed, patted his chest and said,

“Until tomorrow!”

That night, Parker Ermao went to Yinghuang International for the third time.

This is the third day in a row that he has been here.

Just like the previous two times, today he was still spending money like water and being surrounded by beauties.

Parker Ermao didn’t drink much wine today,

for he could dimly guess that his life of luxury and money would end tonight.

Once Mr. Wade no longer needed to act alone,

he must return to Tianxiang Mansion to help Orvel Manage younger brother and manage the industry on his behalf.

As master again, his status in the world was higher than the four heaven kings Orvel,

it was definitely impossible for him to spend time in a nightclub every day.

Therefore, today, he treasured this last wonderful experience very much.

That night, Charlie lay in bed and stayed up all night.

He kept thinking, what would he do if Jermo went straight to Wanliu Villa tomorrow night.

Should he find an uninhabited place on his way to intercept Jermo and try his best to kill him,

or waiting for Jermo to arrive at Wanliu Villa and prepare to attack his grandparents and their families,

then suddenly kills him suddenly. ? .

At first, Charlie leaned more towards the former.

This was mainly because he didn’t want to meet his grandparents’ family yet.

The reason why he didn’t want to wasn’t just because he wanted to stay in the dark all the time,

but also because Charlie wasn’t well prepared to meet his grandparents and his family.

Looking back at the start,

His grandfather always had a bad attitude towards his father,

so that in Charlie’s heart, no matter who killed his parents,

the grandfather’s family, and the grandfather’s family all have responsibilities that cannot be denied.

This was also the root cause of why he never wanted to meet his grandfather’s family, and always criticized his grandfather.

Therefore, Charlie’s initial thoughts were more inclined to choose a suitable place to fight Jermo to death.

If he won, he would go and hide his achievements and fame;

if he lost, he would die at Jermo’s hands with a high probability. , can also feel comfortable.

However, Charlie quickly abandoned this idea.

The reason was that she thought of the reminder Maria Lin had given herself.

This time, there was a high possibility that he would be in danger.

If he can’t survive the night,

then he should tell his grandparents family

that Charlie, whom they missed day and night, was still alive.