Hero Of Heart 5791

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5791

At the moment.

Jeremiah, who had been secretly observing the Wanliu Villa on the other side of the mountain, saw a black shadow running out of the villa, followed by Jermo, the head of the four Earls.

What Jeremiah didn’t expect was that the leading black shadow would run towards him,

while Jermo chased after him with a wooden sword in one hand and a Taoist robe in the other!

He could even hear Jermo’s roar:

“Son, hand over the ring wisely!”

“Then tell me where Maria Lin is hiding! “

“If this old man is in a good mood, I can save you!”

“Otherwise, wait until this old man catches you!”

“I will make your head fall to the ground!”

Charlie scolded without looking back:

“You old dog, don’t bark, you don’t know if you can still make a living after getting old a lot,

but you dare speak nonsense here! You want a ring, meet your father first!”

Jeremiah was stunned for a moment:

“Ring? Mary Lin? Could Jermo find Maria Lin’s ring? Or is Maria Lin’s ring on the man in black?!”

Just as Jeremiah was frightened, a large group of people were chased out of the villa again!

After these people chased after them,

they saw that the man in black and Jermo had run hundreds of meters at top speed,

and they didn’t know what to do for a while.

Seeing these people, Jeremiah was even more shocked:

“An family is still alive?!”

Before the man in black arrived, Jermo entered for at least a minute. “

“Why didn’t he attack the An family for so long? time? “

“With his strength, it takes no more than half a minute to kill the An family…”

At this time, the An family who were chasing after them were all anxious.

They are not fools,

so they knew that Charlie had purposely said those seemingly heartless words just now,

in fact, to lure out the murderous old man and save their lives.

The old woman was in a hurry, right after wiping away her tears with her sleeve,

his eyes filled with tears in an instant, he grabbed the old man Nicolas An’s hand, and cried,

“Nicolas, what if something happens to Charlie? …”

“I don’t even have the face to see Margaret and Chang Ying in the future!”

The old man couldn’t help crying, and said sadly and regretfully:

“This is all my fault… all my fault…”

“If I could take my face off then, Chang Ying might not be so rigid with the An family,

if I could lower my face and come to find Margaret,

he and Chang Ying will not fall into Aurous Hill when he and Chang Ying exit Wade’s house…”

After speaking, the old man said again:

“Charlie has been in hiding for years.

We, of course, cannot forgive us…

But even so, Charlie still stepped forward to save us from fire and water,

I am a grandfather, I am really ashamed, I regret it, I regret it!”

Duncan Li’s expression was very firm at this time.

times He said:

“Uncle An, Mr. Wade has supernatural powers, I believe nothing will happen!”

“The most urgent task right now is to move you to a safe place first! “

The old man asked with a shocked expression:

” What did you say ? Mister Wade?!”

“Duncan Li, you bastards have known Charlie for so long, but you haven’t told me, have you?!”

Duncan Li said shyly:

“Uncle An, it’s a long story , I’ll explain it to you in a moment!”

Just as he spoke, the deafening whistling sound came again.

Everyone looked up and saw another helicopter speeding from the other side of the mountain!

This helicopter was definitely bigger than the one before.

The helicopter dived deep and landed very quickly in the open space in front of the villa.