Hero Of Heart 5829

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5829

Instead of doing this, it would be better to take the opportunity to disappear from the world, and once the wound has healed,

searched for a suitable place to live in seclusion, and spent the rest of his life with only two years left.

For him, living free for two years is much better than returning and living with God for another two hundred years.

With this in mind, he endured the great pain and continued to crawl hard into the depths of the mountain.

Time returns to three minutes ago.

The Champs Elysees Spa Hotel is not far from the blast site.

The An family had been arranged by Orvel in the middle-level villa that had been evacuated earlier.

The thunder sounded not far away, and the whole family felt that the thunder was unusual,

and everyone looks worried and anxious,

especially the old man Nicolas An, who was pacing back and forth in the room anxiously, unable to stop for a moment. .

Seeing this, Orvel hastily stepped forward to comfort him:

“Don’t worry, old man, Master Wade is as powerful as the sky, this thunder burst must be the sky thunder summoned by Master Wade,

it is estimated that the murderer has been chopped to ashes by Lord Wade by now!”

Nicolas muttered:

“You said that Charlie can summon the sky thunder?!”

“Of course!” Orvel nodded his head, and said with an awed expression:

“Thunder the sky Mister Wade, I am lucky to be here!”

I have seen it several times, when the thunder came, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled,

thunder fell from the sky, deafening, the earth shook, like a god descending from the earth!”

“This…” Everyone in the An family was stunned

, And Nicolas An also looked horrified: “How is this possible…”

Orvel chuckled:

“Hey! Parents, nothing is impossible about this.

The reason why he thought it was impossible was because he didn’t understand the mystery.

Master Wade said that summoning thunder was the effect of the formation. Personally,

I understand that it is no different than atomic energy.

If someone were to tell a century-old person that it only takes a palm-sized piece of radioactive material to make an atomic bomb that could tear down a city, he too would think that impossible.”

Nicolas listened in confusion, while the old lady at the side couldn’t hide her worry and said:

“I’m worried about Charlie’s safety, Mister Orvel Hong,

could you arrange a helicopter to rush over to take a look, if Charlie needs help, We can also hope he helps…”

Orvel hurriedly said:

“Old madam, Mr. Wade has specially instructed that once you are picked up, no one can help, just wait for him to come back here in peace.” ,

Orvel said again:

“To be honest, there are hundreds of warriors in the hot spring hotel at the foot of the mountain, all of them are strong.

Even they can’t help Mr. Wade, let alone us.”

The old woman wiped her choked tears and said,

“I’m afraid something will happen to Charlie again. He must have suffered too much in the past. twenty years.

As a grandmother, I really don’t want her in any danger…”

Nicolas An lightly He patted the old lady’s back lightly, and comforted her:

“You don’t need to worry too much,

Charlie is a person of great ability now, and he is no longer on the same level as us.

Even if we wanted to help him, we couldn’t help him.

Order Charlie, please wait here patiently!”

As soon as the words were finished, there was an earth shattering explosion outside the villa, and a huge sound wave shattered the laminated tempered glass!