Hero Of Heart 5875

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5875

Jeremiah also agreed and said:

“Master Wade, what Miss Lin said is correct. Victoria to win. Master hasn’t opened the Niwan Palace yet.

If you really live in Aurous Hill, once the three elders arrive, I’m afraid it will be difficult to escape! ”

Charlie thought for a moment, then shook his head and said,

“It’s easy for me to leave, how can my grandparents’ family leave?

Their goal is very big, and there may even be some members of the Qing Dynasty in it.

Informant, Warriors Den wholeheartedly wants their lives, no matter how they escape, it is impossible for them to escape the pursuit of the three elders…”

Speaking of this, Charlie suddenly asked Jeremiah:

” What do you think of me?

How much do your parents know?

 Do you know why Victoria insisted on killing my grandparents’ family after twenty years?!”

Jeremiah said honestly,

“Mr. Wade, I only know that your parents have the secret to longevity before Victoria.,

that’s why Victoria asked Jermo to hunt down and kill your parents twenty years ago,

but I don’t know why he still wants to kill your grandparents’ family after twenty years.”

Charlie asked sullenly “The secret to longevity, I’ve heard Jermo say it several times, what exactly is the secret to longevity?”

Jeremiah shook his head and said, “I don’t know… the secret to longevity is what Victoria said, but what exactly is it? “, the four of us don’t know.”

Charlie is a little disappointed, he still doesn’t know what the secret to longevity is for the enmity between his parents and Victoria,

and she doesn’t know why Victoria, after twenty years, She wanted to kill her grandparents’ family.

Maria Lin on the side thought of something, and quickly asked: “Where is the current residence of the Poqing Society?”

Jeremiah said:

“Underneath an uninhabited island in South America, near the Antarctic Circle, but I don’t know the exact coordinates.

Lord England is always on guard against us.

When we get out, we will go to Argentina first by seaplane or small submarine, but we have to go back to Argentina first when we come back.

However, whether it’s an airplane or a submarine, we can’t see the outside view, and we’re not allowed to bring modern tools like cell phones when landing on the island. “

Speaking, Jeremiah said again: “But it must be near the Antarctic Circle. If you search carefully and exclude them one by one, it’s not impossible to find them. “

Charlie shook his head:

“I don’t even know how to deal with the three elders now, so I don’t have the ability to find the Warriors Den’s old lair.”

Maria Lin hurriedly persuaded:

“My lord, why don’t you consider the advice of the slave family and leave Aurous Hill as soon as possible to avoid it. “

“The slave family speculates that there shouldn’t be anyone in the immediate family of the son’s grandparents who colluded with the Society of Warriors Den,

and there is a high probability that they are people with foreign last names in the family,

so the son can only take the An family away, and strictly control the leakage of information during the period.

If there is contact with the outside world, safety must be guaranteed…”

“No. “Charlie said firmly:

“Aurous Hill is my foundation.

My family and friends are all here.

If I go, no one can guarantee their safety.

What’s more, if I leave, if the other party finds out my identity,

I will never be able to forgive myself for taking out my hatred on my family and friends. “

Speaking, Charlie said again:

“Besides, you can’t just let me run away with everyone,

 At first, I was still in the dark with Victoria. If I make such a big move, isn’t it self-defeating? “

Maria Lin was worried and said:

“Young master, even though South America is far away,

the three elders had won Victoria’s trust.

Once they left the mountain, Victoria would definitely let them come to Aurous Hill as soon as possible,

 in twenty-four hours at most. , they will arrive, and after twenty-four hours, it will not be easy to leave…”

Charlie was silent for a moment, his expression became firmer, and he said sharply:

“I’m not leaving! The An family doesn’t have to go either!

Now that she, Victoria, has her sights set on Aurous Hill, I’ll sing “Strategy of the Empty Town” for her!

I want to see if he has the guts to let it go! “