Hero Of Heart 5876

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5876

“Empty city plan?!”

Hearing Charlie’s words, Maria Lin and Jeremiah were confused.

They naturally knew the “Empty City Strategy” trope. In “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”,

Zhuge Liang faced a siege of 150,000 Sima Yi’s forces. Up, playing the piano while waiting for Sima Yi’s team.

As Sima Yi’s army approached the city, he saw Zhuge Liang playing the piano with a smile on the top of the tower, contentedly.

However, they don’t know why Charlie is singing this “Empty City Strategy” for Victoria.

Did they want Charlie to climb the tower and play it cool like Zhuge Liang?

Jeremiah was the first to persuade him,

“Master Wade, the reason why the “Empty City Strategy” worked was because Zhuge Liang frightened Sima Yi.

Victoria will definitely send the three elders to test your details, she will be scared from you only if you are in the dark.

and once you are in the light, he will only force him to fight you to the death …”

Maria Lin couldn’t help but persuade,

“Yes son, I also think that Jeremiah’s words make sense.

At this point, the chances of my son trying to scare Victoria away are almost zero. I suggest you Better not take the risk…”

Charlie saw that the two of them were persuading him not to take the risk, but instead he burst out laughing, and said with an unfathomable face,

“You two, don’t doubt my IQ, I’m not stupid enough to pick it up. initiative. Expose yourself to Victoria.”

Seeing Charlie’s confident smile, the two of them felt even more confused.

Maria Lin guessed that Charlie was very sure that he must have the perfect plan, so he asked,

 “I don’t know if you have any clever tricks,

why don’t you tell me and Jeremiah to learn from it. .”

 Charlie laughed and said,

“You two have different life experiences.

He is much richer than me, so we can’t talk about learning from me, we can only make progress together.”

After speaking, Charlie stood up and said,

“Wait a minute, I will show you something.”

The second princess could only suppress the doubts in her heart, watching Charlie wake up, and took out a scroll from the safe.

Maria Lin had already guessed a bit, and couldn’t help but ask,

“The scroll in the master’s hand, could it be the master’s portrait?!”

Charlie nodded, bringing the painting in front of them both. them, and spread them out on the coffee table in the center.

When it was opened, a vivid and incomparable painting appeared vividly on the paper.

Maria Lin looked at the old man with fairy wind and crane bones in the painting, and couldn’t help exclaiming in admiration,

“So this is the true face of the old man, Shigong… It is really what my father said, the spirit is extraordinary, and the fairy wind is ethereal!”

Jeremiah asked in surprise,

“This… is this the master Victoria always talked about, Meng Changsheng?!”

Maria Lin exclaimed, “Victoria told Jeremiah about her master?”

Jeremiah said timidly,

“Madam Lin shouldn’t call me Jeremiah anymore, it’s just a fancy name given to me by Victoria.

To be honest, I never liked this title…

Moreover, I have now turned my back on the darkness and turned to the light, and I have no more contact with these three words. Any involvement…”

Maria Lin nodded with a smile, and said,

“In that case, I will call you Miss Yun from now on.”

Jeremiah cupped his hands gratefully towards Maria Lin, and then continued,

“Victoria is in front of the four of us, She often mentions Senior Meng and the past when she worshiped under Senior Meng She says these things to give us an idea,

to tell us that the journey of cultivation can lead to a thousand years of longevity, and let us follow him more and more wholeheartedly.”

Maria Lin pointed. She nodded and sighed,

“If he doesn’t obtain the Hundred Millennium Return Pill,

Victoria could live another hundred years at most.

He must be starting to feel anxious by now. “