Hero Of Heart 5904

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5904

The plane of the three elders turned around, and Charlie immediately felt a change in the situation in his heart.

In front of the Warriors Den, although he was at a complete disadvantage, he was able to win several times against the Warriors Den.

Now, Warriors Den not only lost a garrison of soldiers who died, but also lost three earls,

more importantly, this “Empty Town Plan” is already starting to make Victoria throw rats.

Charlie had been speculating about Victoria’s heart, even though he had never met her he could feel some of the characteristics of this woman,

one is suspicious by nature, and the other is very cautious.

If it is basically not suspicious, it is absolutely impossible to use cronyism. The core of the entire Warriors Den is in the hands of the Wu family;

Therefore, the more you have such a personality, the less willing you are to gamble.

It was precisely because of this that Charlie concluded that once Meng Changsheng’s portrait came out, he would not dare to come to Aurous Hill again.

 Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to call Maria Lin to tell her the good news, so she would feel more at ease.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he picked up the phone by his side, Maria Lin’s call arrived first.

Charlie answered the phone, and heard Maria Lin say on the other end of the phone:

“Young master, I just noticed that a Boeing 777 had taken off from Buenos Aires, and it suddenly turned around! The three elders should be on the plane. Are you on the plane?”

Charlie asked in surprise:

“Did you notice that plane too?”

Maria Lin said:

“Return to your son, my family has been paying attention to the situation in South America, and after seeing it, I immediately called you. ,

but it seems that this phone call from the slave family is a bit excessive, and the young master has noticed it,”

said Charlie with a smile:

“Not exaggerating, since we’ve both been eyeing the same plane, this is more proof that our guess isn’t that great.

Maybe there was a mistake, the three elders must have been called back by Victoria.”

Maria Lin giggled, and said:

“Sir, you really have a good plan.

After singing “Empty City Strategy”, it not only solved an urgent urgent need, but also made Victoria use the mouse to avoid it.

Compared with the straw boat Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows back then, it’s not much worse!”

Old Charlie’s face warmed a little, and he said:

“Miss Lin, don’t praise me anymore. How can I be worthy of me, how dare I compare with the old Master Zhuge.”

No matter how smart I am, there’s no way I have young master’s strength.”

After speaking, Maria Lin didn’t continue to develop the matter, but asked Charlie:

 “I don’t know what the young master’s next plan is?”

Charlie said:

“I have no plans for now. , my grandfather’s family is still in Aurous Hill, and I plan to meet them.

It is time to clarify the years of grievances and grievances face to face.”

 Maria Lin agreed:

“Young Master should go see them. From last night until now, I’m sure they’ve been waiting for his grandson to show up again.”

Charlie looked at the time, and it wasn’t even noon yet, so he said:

“Yesterday’s battle was really tiring, and now Victoria has defeated three elders.

Retreating to the old Warriors Den nest, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief for a while, I will rest at home in the afternoon, and go to see my grandpa’s family in the evening.”

Maria Lin agreed:

“From last night until now, young master has experienced too much. You really should have a good rest.”

As he spoke, he said in a soft voice:

“In that case, the slave family will not disturb young master’s rest, and after young master has dealt with the matter at hand,

if you still want to see the slave family, you can contact the slave family at any time.”

Charlie said:

“I’m going to the Champs-Elysees tonight to meet my grandparents at the half-mountain villa.

Later, I’ll take a pill and visit Zijin Villa.

Since I promised the three old men today, I will visit them. “