Hero Of Heart 5922

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5922

The An family knew that their “benefactor” belonged to the same person as the Fei family’s “benefactor.”

However, when Marshal An found out that the big man behind the scenes was actually his nephew who had been missing for twenty years, he still felt a bit of disbelief.

Charlie didn’t hide his secret this time, and said lightly,

“Master Fei intends to buy rejuvenation pills at the rejuvenation pill auction that day,

but unexpectedly, his son seized the opportunity to seize power.

I have some friendship with Miss Fei, so I am helping grandparents and their grandchildren.”

The Marshal nodded lightly, and sighed,

“Totally unexpected…

my big nephew has extraordinary abilities, and he is really not a treasure!”

Duncan Li, who was silent, said at this moment,

“Marshal, don’t forget that even my life was saved by Master Wade.”

“Yes, yes.” The Marshal returned to his senses, and said,

“It’s amazing that I used to listen to my brother-in-law

I’m talking about these weird things, and I’m a bit dismissive.

I always felt that he was a scholar, a young talent in finance,

and he wasn’t doing his job well if he had nothing to do every day to study cultivation, inheritance, and destiny. ,

now that he seems to have seen through the mystery, no wonder he is so determined…”

Charlie couldn’t help asking,

“Uncle.. you said, my father has learned the inheritance and fate of cultivation?”

“Yes!” Marshal An Nodding his head, he said,

“When your mom and dad were in the United States, they started learning these things.

“I didn’t believe it at the time.

I always felt that what the two of them learned was very different from the qigong back then.”

Charlie asked

 “Uncle, can you tell me what happened in detail?

Why did I dad start researching these things?”

The Marshal thought for a moment and said,

“Long story, When your dad was in the United States, to be honest, I really looked up to him.

At that time, I had just graduated from college and was learning some useful knowledge from him every day.

Your father is very easy to learn, except for financial management.

Your father also likes to study some antiques and ancient documents;”

“Back then, he often paid attention to the antiques market and the auction market in the United States.

If he finds lost cultural relics in China, he will try his best to photograph the museums donated to China.

But one time, he bought a set of antiques at an antique shop in New York.

Books, but he locked himself in the study for three days; “

” For those three days, he did not eat or drink, and he did not leave the door of the door room.

After three days, your mother noticed something was wrong, so she wanted to go in to persuade him

He, in the end your mother watched him too, and watched him day and night …”

After saying this, Marshal An couldn’t help but sigh, and said with emotion,

“You can’t even imagine how crazy they were, and they were back in the living room together.

In the suite, they studied that collection of books for a full three months, and during those three months, the two of them seemed to be aloof, left the door without leaving the room, and let the maids put food and drink at the door…”

Charlie Surprised, he said,

“Uncle, what’s the name of the book my parents read, do you remember?”

The Marshal thought for a moment, and said,

“If I remember correctly, it should be called the Nine Sutras, Four Words, but I can’t remember the second one. “

Charlie’s eyes widened, and he subconsciously asked,

“Uncle, is it Jiuxuan?”

The Marshal suddenly realized,

“Yes, yes! It’s called Jiuxuan!

Foreword to the Nine Mysteries, sounds strange, I thought it was a scripture at first, but your father said it was the key to open the door to another world,

I always thought she was in a daze…”

Charlie couldn’t help muttering.

he muttered,

“Preface to the Nine Profound Classics.. .

Which Preface is the Preface?”