Hero Of Heart 5927

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5927

Duncan Li’s words made everyone suddenly enlightened.

After living with the family for many years,

they never knew why Changying Wade, who was very learned and polite,

clashed with the Rothschilds at that time.

Even Charlie doesn’t know why his father became an enemy of the Rothschilds.

For a long time, Charlie even thought that the perpetrators who killed his parents were this super-rich family.

But after talking a lot with his grandfather’s family and Duncan Li today,

he completely understood that the reason why his father wanted to do this was to give himself a suitable opportunity,

to draw a clear line with the Wade family and even the An family.

He and his mother most likely realized that they would encounter danger at that point, and drew a line with both families having to protect them as well.

Nicolas couldn’t hold back his tears, and choked,

“Changying and Margaret, these two idiots,

why would they rather die than seek help from us back then…

As a father, I didn’t realize that they were in great danger. ,

and even complain about their estrangement from the family…

Now I know that they don’t want to drag us down…”

Duncan Li consoled:

“Uncle An, you don’t have to blame yourself too much,

Margaret and her husband, At that time, they should have known very clearly that even if the An family and the Wade family were combined,

they can’t be the opponent of Warriors Den.

If so, how can they make their family suffer for themselves?”

“Yeah… …” The old lady couldn’t help but sigh with bloodshot eyes:

“Margaret has a strong personality, and she doesn’t want to talk to her family when she meets other people.

trouble since he was a child. The reason why An’s fortune was able to thrive 20 or 30 years ago was all because he strategized in Silicon Valley. ,

but when she went to China with Changying, she didn’t take a dime from him….”

The old lady’s words made the An family even heavier.

Brothers and sisters of the An family have always thought the same,

for them family is much more important than money.

Therefore, even though Margaret An had been dead for more than 20 years,

they still can’t let go.

Now it is analyzed that they faced danger at that time and kept their distance from the family so as not to hurt the family, and each of them feels sadder.

When everyone was silent, Tece An, Charlie’s aunt, suddenly said,

“I understand that my sister and brother-in-law don’t want to involve both families,

but why did they bring Charlie with them?”

Everyone was shocked by his words.

Surprise out.

And they quickly realized that Tece An was right.

Since the couple didn’t even want to get involved with their own family back then,

why did they bring their only son with them?

They might have decided to die then,

but since they knew they were going to die they shouldn’t have taken Charlie with them,

who was only eight years old, with them.

According to human nature, at that time, it made sense to do everything possible to send his son to a farther and safer place.

But after the couple clashes with the Wade family, they take Charlie to Aurous Hill.

Thinking about it carefully, this was indeed a bit unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Nicolas couldn’t figure it out at the moment, he looked at Charlie, frowned and said:

“You’re right …

Charlie is their only blood, and the more dangerous it is, the more they want to send their child away.” It’s far,

but why did they bring Charlie to Aurous Hill…”

After finishing speaking, Nicolas An asked Charlie:

“Charlie, do you still remember the details before and after your parents took you to Aurous Hill?”