Hero Of Heart 5936

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5936

The various delicacies are almost all made by Tianxiang Mansion’s chefs,

Charlie had already eaten too much of Tianxiang Mansion’s taste, so he was not surprised at all,

but the eggplant boxes her grandmother made still brought back that childhood feeling.

The An family was even happier, everyone poured themselves some wine, and the family toasted to find Charlie, the joy was unspeakable.

After a few glasses of wine, each of the An family started chatting, while asking about the details of Charlie’s life over the years,

they also introduced Charlie in detail to what the An family has been doing for years.

After that, everyone talked about how many times Charlie saved the An family from fire and water.

This also gave Charlie the opportunity to talk about the hidden dangers of the An family at this time.

Charlie said:

“I’ve always speculated that the Warriors Den Society must have placed another spy in the An Family,

otherwise, the other party will not be able to understand all the movements of the An Family easily,

which is why I asked Orvel to block the signal here.

I want you to have contact with the outside world, just because you’re afraid you might leak what happened last night. “

Grandpa Charlie says:

“Charlie, if there is still a traitor in the An Family, if we find this person, main Where is it going?”

Charlie said:

“I believe that the traitor will definitely not appear in the An family itself,

but there is a high possibility that they are also very close people to the An family.”

Grandfather nodded and said solemnly:

“The last accident happened It was Amelia.

He and your third uncle met in college.

When they met, your parents had just died.”

“Presumably not long after your parents died, they started secretly infiltrating the An Family.”

Charlie agreed:

“According to the details my uncle remembered today,

 I thought my parents should have nothing to do with the Warriors Den Society before they left the United States.

Explore in this direction, and grandpa will have the chance to get in touch with the Warriors Den Society.”

Tece An was also suddenly a little nervous, and said:

 “Father, Zhimin shouldn’t have any suspicions, right?

Isn’t his family a long-standing Chinese family in the United States?

Besides, we know each other in the business field, and the An family cooperated with them first, so we gradually got to know each other…”

Nicolas An said seriously:

 “Yo, the cunning of the enemy will only continue to exceed our imaginations, so you can’t be too confident in this matter.”

 For more than ten years, her daughter is already twelve years old this year, she doesn’t believe her husband will suspect anything.

But having said that, he was also very clear that before the accident with third brother-in-law, he and third brother were very affectionate.

Everyone thought that third brother married a beautiful, generous and gentle wife,

but who knew that the other party wanted to kill the entire An family and leave no one behind.

Nicolas said again at this time:

“After the accident in New York last time, both Marcus and I found Zhimin very suspicious.

but soon after, Amelia commits suicide by drinking poison, so all our attention is focused on Amelia.

Thinking about it now, it would be difficult for Zhimin to clear up those suspicions.”

Charlie said at this time:

“I think what grandpa said makes a lot of sense. If calculated based on this point in time, my uncle is indeed the most suspicious. “

After speaking, Charlie said again:

However, there is no way to come to a conclusion on this matter for the time being, so my current thoughts are, everyone, don’t contact anyone for now.

and I’ll talk about the rest when I finish the rest. peace

And Tece An also knows very well in his heart that this matter should not be judged by intuition alone.

At the moment, except for Charlie, no one can guarantee 100% reliability.

Whether her husband has any problems won’t be known until after the investigation.

Charlie nodded slightly, and said:

“Since you have told my little uncle what happened last time, if you cover up what happened yesterday it will only put him on guard;”

“So if little uncle and the others ask,

why don’t you tell them publicly that the An family was attacked yesterday,

 and told them by name that the assailant claimed to be Jermo from the Warriors Den, and he wanted to get rid of it.”

The An family asked about the so-called secret of longevity,

and then told them that was the last time benefactor appeared at a critical moment and beat Jermo out of the door.

Other than that, I don’t know anything.”

Tece An hurriedly asked: “Then what if he asks about you?”

Charlie said: “It’s simple. Aunt only said that I was the same as last time.

I don’t show my true face to others.

Auntie only judged by my voice that I was the one who saved you in New York last time.

Then you pretend to suddenly remember a few details and casually say them. my own hands!”