Hero Of Heart 5938

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5938

At Zijin Villa at night, except for Maria Lin, everyone avoided her.

After Charlie arrived by car, he walked straight through the courtyard on the first floor and up the stone steps.

When Charlie stepped into another courtyard, Maria Lin had already arrived at the courtyard. Seeing Charlie, she said happily and shyly: “Sir…”

Currently, Maria Lin was wearing a white gauze gown, with long hair hanging down her shoulders, and she looked a bit damp.

The hot spring pool next to it is still full of water, and many flower petals are floating on the surface of the water, so that the entire courtyard has a faint floral fragrance.

Maria Lin led Charlie to the small tea table, and said to Charlie: “My lord, please sit down. I will pour tea for you. If you want to ask me something, just ask me. “

Charlie nodded and did so, and the two sat cross-legged across the tea table.

Here, Maria Lin poured a cup of tea for Charlie, and said, “Young master, please drink.”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask her, “This tea should be tea cake from pucha mum, right?”

“Yes.” Maria Lin said with a smile: “I don’t want to drink it at normal times, but I just want to cook a pot when the young master comes.”

Charlie said seriously: “Better frugal. After all, this tea would disappear after drinking it. If you want to regain this taste in the future, I’m afraid it won’t be easy.”

Maria Lin smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, whether it’s tea trees or tea leaves, there will be a day when they will completely disappear, and the same goes for people.

Although tea is precious, as long as it is at the right time, you can drink it no matter what.”

Anyway, he took his teacup and said to Charlie: “Young master, please.”

Charlie nodded, picked up the teacup, and took a slow sip, the refreshing aroma of tea immediately lingered in his mouth and nostrils, really amazing.

At this time, Maria Lin put down her teacup and asked Charlie: “By the way, I don’t know what’s wrong with the young master.

I need my servant to explain the young master’s confusion?”

Charlie put down the teacup, and asked with a serious and expectant expression, “Miss Lin, do you know what Shenglongge is?”

“Shanglongge?!” Maria Lin suddenly frowned, and asked, “Where did you hear this word, my lord?!”

Charlie said: “I just met my grandparents’ family.

I heard from my uncle that my father got a book called “Foreword to the Nine Profound Scriptures” by accident.

Although my uncle didn’t know what was written in the book, he remembered that my father always mentioned terms like Shenglongge.

I’ve heard Master Lai say that people’s destinies can be divided into Mangge and Longge, but I don’t know what this Shenglongge is. “

Maria Lin didn’t answer Charlie’s question, but asked curiously: “Mr. Lai, who is Mr. Lai? What’s his name?”

Charlie said: “It is a direct descendant of Master Lai Buyi, a Fengshui master of the Song Dynasty, named Lai Qinghua…”

Maria Lin muttered: “Golden company, towering wood, clear water, strong fire, solid land and windswept,

The Lai Qinghua you are talking about must be the great-grandson of Lai Jinlin who was respected by my family’s feng shui master at the time.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “Miss Lin also has a relationship with the ancestors of the Lai family?”

Maria Lin nodded and said: “The reason why my family knows the secrets of Fengshui and Zhouyi’s gossip is because I learned Zhouyi from Lai Jinlin back then, and teacher taught me all the money back then.

Many questions that the old man never understood were also passed on to me.

After two hundred years, I solved most of the questions left by the master one by one, and only then did I have some achievements in Zhouyi gossip…”