Hero Of Heart 5945

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5945

After saying goodbye to Maria Lin, Charlie returned home with only two things on his mind.

The first thing to do was to seize time and refine the thunder strike wood that Maria Lin had given him,

The mother of the pucha, to make a thundering thunder order.

The other thing is waiting for eight hours to see where the Boeing 777 is going at the next stop.

If it’s Aurous Hill, then we have to deal with it as soon as possible.

Since he still had eight hours left, Charlie immediately began perfecting the Thunderbolt when he got home.

Charlie was used to the trouble of perfecting the Thunderbolt.

When he returned to the room and passed spiritual energy into Pucha’s mother’s lightning bolt,

He thought that everything would be as easy as refining the thunder before.

But He did not expect that when the spiritual energy entered the lightning strike wood and began to refine the formations within the lightning strike wood,

It was discovered that the spirit energy, which was originally invincible, was a bit difficult to move an inch. in lightning strike wood.

If it is said that when refining wood lightning strikes in the past,

the aura is a carving knife, then the lightning strike wood itself is like a normal piece of wood, and the carving knife can easily engrave the pattern you want on the wood. .

However, compared to the previous lightning strike wood,

Lightning strike wood at this time is like a piece of extremely hard high-strength steel.

It was hard to leave marks on it with the carving knife transformed from aura.

Charlie also didn’t expect that this lightning bolt looked ordinary, but its internal characteristics were extremely difficult to refine.

However, up until this point, he didn’t have a magic weapon he could use to approach her, so he had no choice. .

In desperation, he could only double the infusion of spiritual energy, and the speed of consumption of spiritual energy increased sharply in an instant, just like being absorbed by Maria Lin’s ring at that time.

Charlie knows that there is no turning back when opening the bow, and Pucha’s mother, as a tea tree, can live until a thunderstorm descends from the sky, which is almost the top of the tree.

He wanted to refine a lightning strike like that of wood into a device method, it had to take more effort.

So, Charlie took out a Cultivation Pill, and put his heart and soul into refining the Shocking Thunder Token.

Even though spiritual energy was consumed quickly, but with Pill Cultivation as a supplement, spiritual energy could be considered sufficient.

After a few hours, Charlie who was drenched in sweat finally opened his eyes.

The lightning bolt that was as thick as an adult’s arm in his hand had been refined into a lightning bolt the size of his palm.

The entire body of this Thunderbolt is jet black, exuding a faint metallic luster, and the texture is so delicate, it is absolutely impossible to tell that it is made of wood.

Holding the Thunderbolt in his hand, Charlie could even feel the faint feeling of thunder and lightning flashing within him.

The feeling is like standing on the beach in the afternoon, looking at the dark clouds in the depths of the ocean, and the thunder and lightning flashing and roaring across the ocean.

Not only does it have an extremely wide field of view of the world, but it also has a surging feeling that the heavens and the earth are connected as a whole by lightning, which is fierce and profound.

But if Thunderbolt is put aside, this feeling will immediately disappear.

And when Charlie’s fingertips slid on the surface of the Thunderbolt, he seemed to be able to feel the surging feeling that the entire sea surface was covered by thunder and lightning in his mind.

Charlie couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, the power of this thunder strike was probably much stronger than the previous one.

Just as he was excited about the newly refined Thunderbolt, Issac called out to him again and reported,

“Sir, that a Boeing 777 has applied for a route from Melbourne, Australia to Mandalay, Myanmar;”

“Mandalay?” Charlie frowned and asked, “Is the news accurate?”

“Accurate.” Issac said firmly, “At the moment, the flight route of this plane that was reported to the Australian air traffic control department is to Mandalay, and they will arrive in about four hours.

Landing at Melbourne Airport, it is expected to rest for about an hour after landing, and then continue the flight to Mandalay.

From Melbourne to Mandalay, it will take about eight hours to fly, so it will be at least a dozen hours to arrive in Mandalay.”