Hero Of Heart 5949

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5949

Since Charlie tracked down the vines and found a shipping company that would be based in Singapore,

He realized that civil aviation planes were bugs that ordinary people tended to ignore.

It didn’t matter how rich and powerful a person was, as long as he needed to fly across the country by plane,

He must truthfully report all flight information to all countries he passes through.

This is because no single individual can control the entire flight system.

Governments around the world regard aviation safety and airspace security as top priorities.

With the exception of drug dealers in Mexico and Colombia, no one dares to fly a plane in the sky. .

And in this world, no individual has the ability to create a stealth aircraft that can penetrate all radars.

Therefore, whether it is the world’s richest man or the Lord who destroyed the Warriors Den, as long as he gets on the plane, his whereabouts cannot be hidden.

For Victoria and the entire Warriors Den, they have always felt that they were hiding the airline and the true purpose of flying a plane.

Therefore, even if everyone can know their plane, as long as no one knows about it. The plane is theirs, so as not to be exposed.

But in fact, once you meet someone with a slightly sideways heart, the chance of exposure is still very high.

That’s why Charlie asked Issac to charter a plane under a different name.

Besides, he didn’t want to fly directly to Dali even if he chartered a plane. After all, there is still a time window of more than 20 hours.

He first flew to Lijiang, which is less than two hours away from Dali, then drove from Lijiang to Dali.

In this way, the destination can also be hidden, and security has been improved to a certain extent.

Originally, Charlie had planned to go to Wanliu Villa to clear the rejuvenation pill formation first, then visit the villa his grandparents were temporarily living in.

But when he thinks of going to see Jeremiah, Charlie calls Orvel and asks him to open a wireless network for the villa where his grandparents live,

so they can connect to the outside world, and then she told him during WeChat call Grandpa and grandma while away from home on business,

and they will come to visit another day.

Even though grandpa and grandma felt a bit disappointed,

they still told him to hurry up and get busy with business.

So Charlie promised his grandmother that he would come to the door as soon as he returned from work.

While Charlie was driving, the An family had a meeting at a villa in the middle of the mountain.

Nicolas, who had taken the Rejuvenating Pill, was in a very good state of mind.

He looked at the time and said to Tece An:

“Tece, Charlie asked you to report Zhimin’s safety, and by the way, tell him what he wanted to tell him.

Why don’t you call him now!”

Tece asked nervously: “Dad, what do you think is the possibility that Zhimin has a problem?”

Nicolas pondered for a moment, and said seriously: “Now I have nothing but Except for everyone sitting here, I only believe in Charlie,

even my granddaughter, granddaughter, and granddaughter, I don’t believe it.”

Tece nodded sadly: “I know Dad… then I’ll call him now…”

Nicolas instructed: “Remember to use WeChat.”

“Too …”

Tece An took the phone, entered her WeChat, sent a voice call to her husband Chen Zhimin, and turned on the speaker at once.

On the other end of the phone, Tece An’s husband, Chen Zhimin, answered almost instantly, and asked in a hurried voice: “Tece, is that you?”

Chen Zhimin said again: “Hey, you better be fine. I’ve been calling you for the last two days, but I haven’t had any success. It kills me! “