Hero Of Heart 5962

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5962

When Maria Lin returned to Shuanglang after more than three hundred years, the place had long since lost its original appearance.

Although Erhai is still the same Erhai, hundreds of years of development have greatly changed the appearance of Erhai’s waters from more than 300 years ago.

Standing on the bustling and bustling Shuanglang Street, Maria Lin could no longer match the memories in her mind with reality.

Fortunately, the change in the mountains is not too big. Rao. Several mountains have been mined before, but the change in the landscape is not too big.

According to Maria Lin’s identification, her father’s grave was located in the northeastern direction of present-day Shuanglang Township,

Above the first mountain peak that has been mined less than half, and the mountain behind it that looks like a turtle’s back is there.

Charlie and Maria Lin left the car in the city, then put on the pair of sneakers prepared by Maria Lin, and put on the pair of shoes prepared by Maria Lin beforehand, and walked towards the mountains on foot. Xianghu Bay.

Upon leaving, Charlie began to silently run his thoughts, and the aura fluctuations in his body were instantly reduced to a minimum, it seemed that this thought was very effective.

The mountains near Shuanglang are not high, and the height difference between the peaks and the ground is only a few hundred to more than a thousand meters.

the difficulty of climbing is very small. In addition, the scenery along the way is beautiful and you can overlook the entire Erhai Lake, so it has become a place now.

Great trail for lots of young hikers.

On Charlie and Maria Lin’s way to the mountain pass, they met many outdoor sports fans who put on climbing equipment one by one.

When they reached the foot of the mountain and the road narrowed, more people went hiking.

Maria Lin kept looking left and right, and when she approached the foot of the mountain, her expression was already a little excited.

When he saw a mountain pass that led up the mountain, he whispered to Charlie, “I climbed the mountain from here more than three hundred years ago.”

“Back then, there was a small road here, which was trodden by the locals.”

“I didn’t expect that the path would still be here more than three hundred years later. “

Charlie smiled and said, “Climbing mountains is different from walking. Climbing mountains depends on the best route.”

“In the past, the best route was found, as long as the mountain doesn’t change, this route will not change.”

“Yes.” Maria Lin nodded lightly, and said, “The route hasn’t changed much, but the taste isn’t the same as before.”

“Now there are traces of artificial repairs everywhere, even the roads have been specially paved and the steps have been repaired.”

There were also more people than before, there weren’t that many people here before, and the nearby mountain was the ancestral graves of the surrounding villagers,

and those who climb the mountain on this road are basically to worship their relatives.”

Charlie looked around, smiled and said, “Artificial Repair also has the advantage of manual repair. “

“It seems that there are indeed a lot of people entering the mountain on weekdays.”

“There’s surveillance everywhere, and there’s a lot of forest fire prevention surveillance. , “

“When the time comes, we can ask Mr. Sun to think about how to get permission to see all the monitoring information, maybe we can find traces of Victoria.”

Maria Lin asked him,

“If you can really lock Victoria’s trail here, then what is your plan?”

Charlie said confidently, “From here to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are still a thousand kilometers to go.”

“For this thousand kilometers, it would be impossible for Victoria to walk, and naturally impossible for her to sneak into China by plane or train.”

“The biggest possibility is driving, as long as you can find his traces and lock the vehicle he was driving, you can basically catch him. -the dynamics of time.”