Hero Of Heart 5984

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5984

In little Jimmy’s current situation, chemotherapy is the last resort,

But James Smith was very clear that this final barrier was already in jeopardy,

And the time that can last maybe only a few months.

James Smith came into the hospital ward easily.

Today, every bed on the ward is laid over cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Among the cancer patients, little Jimmy is the youngest.

Initially, there was a 5-year-old child with end-stage leukemia.

Some time ago, that kid passed approval from Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical,

got a place for clinical trials,

And transferred to Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical internal laboratory for treatment. .

At that time, James Smith was very jealous, but he couldn’t help it if I was jealous.

According to the point system of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical,

children who are young, have severe symptoms and have poor families,

often prioritized for selection.

Currently, Jimmy was lying in a hospital bed.

His body was emaciated, his hair was completely falling out, and he looked very frail.

At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

James Smith’s wife, Jenny James, was sitting wearily on a stool by the bed.

Seeing her husband come in, Jenny asked in surprise,

“James, why are you here?”

“Isn’t the church going to prepare relief for the homeless this afternoon?”

James Smith didn’t answer his question, but looked at the child on the bed, asking him;

“Is Jimi sleeping?”

Jenny nodded slightly, and said sadly,

“The vomiting is getting worse.”

“The doctor added some antiemetic drugs to his chemotherapy drugs,

but the newly added medicine would make him feel sick. “

“He’s lethargic.”

As she spoke, Jenny said in a low voice with bloodshot eyes,

“Smith, the CT results came back two days ago, and Jimmy’s cancer cells are still growing and spreading.”

“This week’s chemotherapy basically didn’t improve. “

“The doctor said, now his physical condition has begun to decline drastically,”

“Like an elevator that goes out of control from a height. “

“Chemotherapy drugs can barely slow down the speed of the fall,”

“but at most will be extended from two months to two and a half months,”

“Or even three months. It’s hard to reach for a month…”

At this point, Jenny covered her face and cried.

James Smith hurriedly stepped forward to hug her, and comforted her in a low voice,

“Don’t cry, maybe there is another chance.”

Jenny shook her head and said,

“I don’t want to blindly hope again,”

“I’m thinking now, Should Jimmy’s chemo be stopped,

and for the remaining months, bring him back to the United States.”

“His grandparents, maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother were all waiting to see him.”

“Returning to the United States can at least get the last stage of his life and his Family together.”

James Smith said,

“There is still one last chance,”

“Though I don’t know how likely this opportunity is to succeed,”

“But as long as there is a chance, it must be much better than no chance.”

As he spoke, he said to Jenny,

“Let the nurse pull out Jimmy’s needle, I’ll take it out!”

Jenny asked in surprise,

“Where are you taking him?”

James Smith remembered that Hu Leqi had told him not to go out, so he said,

“Don’t ask too many questions first,”

“I promised the other party not to talk nonsense,”

“But don’t worry, If there are results, I will tell you as soon as possible!”