Hero Of Heart 5987

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5987

“James Smith?!”

Wei Liang was taken aback, and couldn’t help asking:

“Mr. Wade, I dare to do it for you, why did you open it?”

Charlie smiled and said:

“Just when he accidentally triggered the hidden Gift,”

“I told him before that if he can really do charity with his heart without asking anything in return,”

“Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical can give him a chance,”

“This time just delete the word “maybe.” “

Wei Liang said without hesitation Said :

“Okay, Mr. Wade, don’t worry,”

“I will arrange it.”

Charlie said again:

“The other two are young people who happen to be strong,”

“and they are destined to be with me,”

“ so you can make arrangements together.”

Charlie instructed again:

“However, after you admitted the patient, you placed James Smith’s son in the children’s ward and isolated him from the other two.”

“Don’t let those two find out my identity,”

“ but you may find me Opportunity to explain to James Smith in private,“

“I definitely can’t provide this assistance in a daze,”

“Tell this old boy who gave the opportunity,”

“I will find a chance to explain it personally!”

After he finished speaking, Wei Liang remembered something, and quickly asked:

 “Mr. Wade, after I met James Smith this time,”

“ do you want to tell him your true identity? “

Charlie He hummed, and said:

“Tell him directly, I was just planning to take this old boy for my own use in the future.”

“So I will directly recruit him this time.”

Wei Liang asked in surprise:

“Master Wade , what do you want?”

“Let James Smith cooperate with us?”

Charlie said:

“Not just cooperation,”

“I want him to join us and become a member of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.”

Charlie said again:

“James Smith has resigned from the fda.”

“There’s no way he can come and go whenever he wants in a director-like position,”

“So it’s definitely not possible to go back to the FDA,”

“​​​​but he has worked at the FDA for years.”

“He not only has very deep connections with the FDA and the North American pharmaceutical industry,”

“but more importantly, he has an excellent understanding of the rules of the game across the FDA and the North American pharmaceutical field.”

“People, then he will definitely help Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical to occupy the North American market in the shortest possible time!”

After hearing this, Wei Liang said enthusiastically:

“Mr. Wade is right,”

 “If we want to open up the situation in North America, James Smith is absolutely our best candidate!”

Charlie said:

“When you meet him, tell him my identity and the stakes,”

“then tell him, I will make time to meet him when I return to Aurous Hill in a few days.”

Wei Liang immediately said:

“Okay, Mr. Wade, I will definitely pass it on to him!”

At this time, Hu Leqi, Shu Lan, and James Smith outside the door were already waiting anxiously.

Even now, they weren’t sure whether this matter could be trusted or not,

and they all know that this matter is reliably or indirectly related to the lives of three cancer patients,

so everyone is very nervous.

The security guards waited for a while, and when no one came out to pick them up,

he stepped forward and said,

“You are running out of time, please step out of guard and wait.”

Hu Leqi buru-buru berkata,

“Wait a minute , It is estimated that someone will come to pick us up soon.”

The security guard said seriously:

“The time has come, and three steps out of care will not affect your waiting.”

“When the person who picked you up comes, I will let you in.”

Hu Leqi had no choice but to nod and say,

“Okay, let’s wait outside the guard first.”

As soon as the words fell, a man said:

“Captain Sun, these are my friends, let them in.”