Hero Of Heart 5989

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5989

Wei Liang quickly managed the three of them.

Hu Leqi and Shu Lan were placed in the adult ward,

while little Jimmy was placed in the children’s ward.

Under the guidance of the staff, James Smith completed an inpatient procedure for his son, and the whole process was like a dream.

He thought that his son would not have the opportunity to participate in the Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical clinical trial,

and he only discussed with his wife whether to send his son to the United States for hospital treatment,

but he didn’t expect everything to turn upside down.

down in the blink of an eye Variety.

Because he had a certain understanding of Zaizao’s Jiuxuan Pill,

James Smith had only one thought at the moment, and that was his son’s life,

who really saved this time!

He couldn’t help but guess in his heart,

who is secretly promoting all this,

could it be that the Mr. Lin that Hu Leqi happened to meet really had such great abilities?

Just when he was lost for a while, his wife Jenny called suddenly.

Only then did James Smith remember that he was too passionate and curious to keep up with his wife on such an important matter.

So he immediately connected the phone, and before he could speak,

Jenny on the phone can’t wait to ask,

“James, what’s your situation?” by them.

James Smith replied:

“I just finished admission procedures for Jimmy.”

 “There is a clinical trial base within Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, and Jimmy and I are here!”

Jenny said enthusiastically,

“Is it true?! James, you Is everything correct?”

“Are you kidding me? ?”

“Are you lying to me?!”

James Smith said in a very firm tone,

“Honey, how can I joke with you about such an important thing?”

“Jimmy is in the hospital bed now.”

“Right now, their doctor is examining Jimmy.”

As he spoke, he quickly said,

“Wait a minute, I’ll send you a video!”

Before Jenny could answer, James Smith hung up and sent a video call to Jenny.

Jenny was immediately connected, and before long,

Jenny saw James Smith sprinting down the corridor of the inpatient area on the cellphone screen.

James Smith changed the camera.

He was already running back to Jimmy’s ward.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw two doctors doing a detailed examination on a comatose Jimmy.

These doctors were all recruited by Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical from a large tumor hospital.

Their main job here is not to treat patients,

but using the most professional way to monitor each patient’s use of Jiuxuan Rezao pills.

Physical changes before and after treatment were used to record the specific efficacy of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill.

Seeing James Smith coming back, a doctor said to him,

“Excuse me, are you Jimmy’s father, Mr Smith?”

James Smith nodded quickly and said,

“I, doctor, how is my child now?”

The doctor said,

Currently, Jimmy’s condition is not very good. Every aspect of him is indicative of late-stage cancer.”

” but that is not life threatening. “

“We just took his blood and sent him to a lab for a comprehensive cancer diagnosis.”

“Index check, arrange immediately for him to have Pat CT to see current division of cancer cells.”

James Smith asked impatiently,

“Excuse me, when can you start taking Jiuxuan Recovery Pills for your children?”

In the view of James Smith,

Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill was the only straw that saved his son’s life at this time. As for the blood draw and CT scan,

this is just a routine cancer screening and has no therapeutic effect.

The doctor also understood James Smith’s mood and explained,

“You don’t need to worry about this.”

“The reason why we want to take blood and do a CT scan for the child is mainly to understand the child’s physical condition when he is hospitalized.”

“For reference and comparison.”