Hero Of Heart 6015

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6015

In an instant, the sky suddenly lit up like day and thunder sounded as loud as tons of explosives being detonated in the ears, deafening.

And when this lightning fell, the black clouds that had been accumulating for a long time suddenly rained down, and the raindrops formed a line from the sky to the ground:

Charlie and Maria Lin had nowhere to hide and were completely drenched in rain from top to bottom in an instant.

Maria Lin didn’t care about the fact that she was already drenched and ran into the yellow lump of dirt where Pucha’s mother couldn’t cross the tribulation.

Charlie was startled by his movement and shouted,

“Danger, don’t go there! “

While Charlie was saying that, he wanted to chase after Maria Lin.

But Maria Lin did not waver at all, as she ran recklessly, saying to Charlie,

“Milord, I’m sorry! “

Charlie subconsciously asked:

“Who do you feel?”

′′ Ibu Pucha? ,

Sil. Maria Linear’s voice trembled and repeatedly said,

“He’s elial! Surely he is! He is still alive! “.

Charlie was confused, really couldn’t figure it out,

how could a tea tree come back to life that couldn’t survive the disaster hundreds of years ago?

But at this time, the black cloud had stopped the lightning and thunder,

and all that’s left is the pouring rain, and no breath of thunder and lightning in the black clouds,

maybe retired.

See he’s not talking the risk of lightning,

Charlie didn’t back down Maria Lin but followed her to the yellow land

At that time, the yellow earth was already muddy from the impact of the rain,

Maria Lin continued to wipe the rainwater from her eyes and face with both hands,

and at the same time he looked around him carefully, as if he was looking for something..

Charlie also looked around, but the yellow ground was muddy except for the rain, and there were no signs of anything.

Then he asked Maria Lin.

“Miss Lin, where did you get that mother’s idea? “

Maria Lin looked down and said loudly: “Here it is!”

After finishing speaking, Maria Lin pointed at the center of the yellow earth and shouted enthusiastically:

“Young Master, look! “

Charlie looked at his finger and suddenly saw a scene he had never seen in his life

In amaryllis soil washed by torrential rains, a single, tender green sprout emerged stubbornly from the muddy ground against the torrential downpour.

In addition, the speed at which this outbreak grows seems to be visible in the time lapse photos that condense the video over ten days.

After this plague emerged from the ground, rapidly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye,

Growing from an inch or two to seven or eight inches high,

and the initially curly plague, which was not the size of a fingernail, quickly grew to the size of a thumb.

Soon after a new shoot the size of a needle tip emerged from the tail of the shoot, and the shoot also grew and grew in size at a very fast pace.

Charlie looks surprised,

while Maria Lin was on the side excited, and even knelt on the floor subconsciously using her body to block the rainwater for the cocoon.

And the cocoons quickly turn into seedlings.

In just a few minutes, it grows from a few inches high to a height of about 20 inches.

The previous two sheets also gradually increased to more than ten sheets, and even three were pulled out, new branches came out.

At that moment, the heavy rain suddenly stopped and the black clouds in the sky continued to rapidly collapse into the center of the city and disappeared in less than half a minute.

The bright moon and sky full of stars reappeared over Tianchi Lake,

What’s more extravagant is that the loess ground had become a piece of mud during the heavy rain a moment ago, but at that moment all the rain water seemed to have disappeared out of nowhere.

And the water in Charlie and Maria Lin’s bodies disappeared without a trace when they were young.

Their clothes were both very dry and there were no signs of getting wet from the rain.

Everything was back to how Charlie and Maria Lin were when they first got here.

The only difference was that amidst the yellow and bare earth, extremely tender seeds grew with a light tea fragrance.