Hero Of Heart 6029

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6029

Charlie knew very well that what he was looking for this time was not Victoria, but the place where Victoria was going.

After she released the portrait of Meng Changsheng, Victoria immediately silenced the Warriors Den Society, which proved that she was truly frightened.

But the more frightened he was, the more he secretly came to China alone, and went to Shiwan Dashan, which proves that he must be very urgent at this time.

Charlie speculated that he was most likely looking for the secret left by Meng Changsheng back then, perhaps it was the secret of longevity mentioned by Jermo before.

Therefore, after Victoria left Shiwan Dashan, she went out to search for herself, regardless of whether there would be any benefits, at least it would not add danger unnecessarily.

And at the same time.

On Mount Shivanda.

Victoria was like the heroine in a martial arts movie hanging off cables and flying over roofs and walls. He moved quickly among the dense forests in the mountains. The mountains and old forests in the eyes of ordinary people are unrecognizable to him, like walking on flat land.

Even though he walked deeper and deeper into the mountains, the conditions became smoother and smoother.

As he moved away from the highway and gradually entered the deep mountains, he discovered that the 100,000 mountains in front of him had not changed much compared to three hundred years ago.

The green mountains here are still there and still quiet.

Relying on the memories of that year, Victoria walked from dawn to dark in the deep mountains.

In the mountains and forests at night, the fingers are not visible, the moonlight and starlight are almost blocked by the dense trees, especially because the air humidity increases after night falls, the mountains and forests are already shrouded in mist. it was difficult for ordinary people to move here, but Victoria seemed to be able to See through the darkness and fog, striding forward at an unrelenting pace the entire way.

Currently, he was surrounded by bugs, snakes, mice, ants, and all kinds of animals and beasts, but wherever Victoria went, all the animals were scattered around, and he wished he could stay as far away from them as possible.

After Victoria walked through the fog for almost half an hour, she came to the bottom of a very low valley. The fog here was surprisingly thick, and the humidity in the air was so excessive that it could ooze water.

And because the valley is too low, a lot of moisture and carbon dioxide have settled here, so the oxygen content at the bottom of the valley is very low. There is no way that ordinary people can survive here for too long.

What’s even more frightening is that the air here contains not only water vapor and carbon dioxide, but also methane-like toxic components released by a large number of rotting trees and swamps. After years of fermentation and various natural chemical reactions, a dangerous poison has been formed. which is very toxic to animals.

Moreover, although there is no human habitation here, there are often wild animals looking for food that come here accidentally. After these animals enter, they immediately fall into a coma due to lack of oxygen and toxic components in the air until they die. dead Decaying and decomposing corpses were decomposed by microorganisms, making the air here even more noxious.

If one were truly blind and climbed countless mountains to come here, then there was basically no turning back.

However, when Victoria came here, her expression was not the least bit nervous, but became more and more excited.

He stepped into this fog without a second thought. Even though the filthy and poisonous mist wouldn’t cause him any great harm, it made him a bit sick, so he held his breath and walked to the lowest and deepest place.

At this time, there was no light at the bottom of the valley, and Victoria’s spiritual consciousness filled the surroundings, and everything around her was clearly visible to her.

When Victoria got to the deepest point, many thick stone pillars five to six meters high and two to three meters wide appeared in front of Victoria.

Although these stone pillars have a natural appearance, without any traces of artificial processing, it seems that it shouldn’t appear here in large quantities, it seems that someone deliberately collected these stone pillars and placed them here.

Moreover, there are many stone pillars, arranged irregularly like a stone forest.

Pilar Batu, Victoria was not surprised at all. Instead, he touched the stone pillar with emotion and muttered, “Sir, big brother, Victoria has returned.”

After that, he walked into the stone forest, and Standing in the stone forest In the middle, walked left and right according to certain rules.